Ursprünglich war geplant das Musical bis zum 13. The album was released on August 16. Cirque du Soleil (fransk for «solens sirkus») er et kanadisk underholdningsimperium lokalisert i Montréal, Quebec, i Canada, som ble grunnlagt i 1984 av to tidligere gateartister; Guy Laliberté og Daniel Gauthier.Cirque du Soleils forestillinger faller innenfor sjangeren nysirkus og består av sirkusnumre som flettes sammen til en handling. ¡Eres bienvenido a unirte para contribuir! This limited edition of the Saltimbanco soundtrack was distributed exclusively to staff members. The 1987 and the subsequent 1990 Cirque du Soleil album contain music from the company's earliest touring productions: Le Grand Tour, La Magie Continue and Le Cirque Réinventé (We Reinvent the Circus). The cost for production of the show was nearly $100 million, which included the cost of renovating the Dolby Theatre in which the show was housed. El Cirque du Soleil ("Circ del Sol") és una companyia que ha revolucionat el món del circ.Va ser creada per Guy Laliberté i Daniel Gauthier l'any 1984 al Quebec, Canadà.Les seves propostes es basen en un replantejament de les regles del circ tradicional, innovant i buscant nous camins. Cirque du Soleil ei käytä esityksissään eläimiä vaan korostaa ihmisten käyttöä esiintyjinä. It is a live recording of the show and is considered a collector's item. Inspiration for Zed was taken from the Tarot and its Arcana; the main character Zed represents the Fool of the Tarot. Your access to Cirque du Soleil content, all in one place. Dupéré, Jutras and Corradi would eventually be followed by composers Simon Carpentier, Philippe Leduc, Danny Elfman, Maria Bonzanigo, Jean-François Coté, Berna Ceppas, Guy Dubuc and Marc Lessard, among others. Wie Stage Entertainment Ende Juli 2020 bekannt gab, kehrt das Musical nach der Corona-Krise nicht in die Neue Flora zurück.[8]. Vielmehr stehen hier der Künstler und die Kombination von Unterhaltungselementen wie Oper, Ballett und Rockmusik im Vordergrund. Cirque du Soleil (”Aurinkosirkus”) on entisen tulennielijän Guy Lalibertén vuonna 1984 perustama viihdeyritys, jonka päämaja sijaitsee Montréalissa Kanadassa ja jolla on useita pysyviä ja kiertäviä sirkusseurueita. Cirque du Soleil: Fire Within ist eine kanadische Reality-TV- Miniserie aus dem Jahr 2002 . Cirque du Soleil (en español, «Circo del Sol») es una empresa de entretenimiento y la mayor productora de teatro del mundo. Situat în zona interioară a orașului Saint-Michel, a fost fondat în Baie-Saint-Paul la 16 iunie 1984 de foștii interpreți de stradă Guy Laliberté și Gilles Ste-Croix. Precious Paramour)“, „Kleinstadtjunge, Kleinstadtmädchen – Reprise 1“. A special "extended" edition of Alegría, released on June 11, 2002, additionally contains the following bonus tracks: This limited edition of the Alegría soundtrack was distributed exclusively to staff members. August 2016 veröffentlicht. Founded in 1984, Cirque Du Soleil is a French-Canadian performance art circus. Two additional tracks were recorded live in Amsterdam. Am 14. [6] Im Mai 2019 wurde bekannt, dass van den Bosch das Musical ebenfalls verlässt und ihre Rolle von Ann Sophie übernommen wird. Die Preview-Shows von Paramour begannen am 16. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. Zed was Cirque du Soleil's second resident show in Asia. The water is filtered, disinfected and maintained at 28°C (82°F) for the … We can’t wait to sweep you off your feet! April 2017 nach 31 Vorpremieren und 366 Vorstellungen. Or, check out the cities where your favorite show is playing. Cirque Du Soleil Paramour ist das erste Musical von Cirque du Soleil, welches die Musical-Elemente mit Artistik verbindet. Cirque du Soleil is a Montreal-based entertainment company and the largest contemporary circus producer in the world. Cirque du Soleil's 'Paramour' Has Strong Start in Broadway Grosses, Cirque du Soleil's 'Paramour' to Move Out When Theater Closes for Renovations, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child smashing records even before opening, Musical "Paramour" feiert 2019 Europa-Premiere in Hamburg. It's time to make a wish with the new KURIOS - Cabinet of Curiosities music video, "11:11". Il Cirque du Soleil è un'impresa internazionale di entertainment live e media, fondata a Montreal nel 1984, principalmente basata su produzione di sofisticati spettacoli circensi, sia itineranti che per luoghi fissi appositamente edificati, nonché in forme di eventistica speciale. [7] Ab November 2019 übernahm Judith Caspari die Cover-Rollen von Indigo und Gina. Cirque Du Soleil was a Circus Performers act from FantasyAGT: Battle of the Champions. In den Vorpremieren hatte Paramour einen guten Start hingelegt und spielte in den ersten sechs Shows über 1 Million US-Dollar ein. Cirque du Soleil ’ s growing legions of fans could buy CDs of the production ’ s music, as well as a full range of merchandise that included inexpensive items, such as $5 buttons, and decidedly more expensive items, such as a $350 Cirque du Soleil leather jacket. Los Angeles Times ÜBER TOTEM. Cirque du Soleil (franska för "Solcirkus") är en av världens främsta grupper inom nycirkus.Man har skördat stora publikframgångar och drivs numera som ett storföretag med 3 500 anställda. Die offizielle Premiere fand am 25. This re-release contains three tracks that were not present on the original edition as standalone songs. Julie Boudreault, Le Cirque du Soleil. Axel, Lei, Vi…Here is a first look at the main characters from Cirque du Soleil AXEL. This limited edition of the Mystère soundtrack was distributed exclusively to staff members for the conmemoration of Mystère 25 years in 2018. Von Januar bis März 2020 wurde die Rolle des AJ Golden von Tobias Licht übernommen. Cirq Du Sol : Cirque du Soleil General Operations FMN Business 457.98750 WQIX717 Cirq Du Sol : Cirque du Soleil General Operations FMN Business 461.38750 WQIX717 Cirq Du Sol : Cirque du Soleil General Operations FMN Business 461.97500 WQIX717 Cirq Du Sol : Cirque du Soleil General Operations FMN Business 462.18750 WQIX717 Crystalis the story of a young woman named Crystal, an avid writer, who feels misunderstood in life and out of sync with herself. Two additional tracks appeared on an "extended" edition of the CD, released March 19, 2002. Benoît Jutras, who had worked for many years as an arranger and musical director for the company, began filling the role of composer with the show Quidam (1996 World Premiere in Montreal). El sitio donde podrás encontrar todo sobre Cirque du Soleil, en español. Alegría (spanisch für Freude) war ein Bühnenprogramm des Cirque du Soleil und als solche eine Tournee, die 1994 von den Regisseuren Franco Dragone und Gilles Ste-Croix ins Leben gerufen wurde.. The first Zumanity disc was launched as a promotional album in 2003, and was obtainable by purchasing the original 2003 show program. Criação. Watch video Characters from AXEL. The bonus DVD contains music videos, a documentary excerpt and trailers. The Muppets visited the show in the Winter 1989 issue of Muppet Magazine. September 2020 aufzuführen, aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie wurde der Spielbetrieb jedoch am 12. It is now considered a collector's item. — «Сирк дю солей» — «Цирк солнца») — канадская компания, работающая в сфере развлечений, определяющая свою деятельность как «художественное сочетание циркового искусства и уличных представлений». Cirque du Soleil (francouzsky „Sluneční cirkus“) je zábavní společnost založená v roce 1984 bývalými pouličními umělci Guyem Laliberté a Danielem Gauthierem a sídlící v Montréalu (Québec, Kanada).Gauthier společnost v roce 2003 opustil a nyní ji vede Laliberté. So muss sich Indigo im Verlauf des Musicals zwischen Liebe und Erfolg entscheiden. Doch Indigo hegt nicht nur Gefühle für AJ, sondern auch für den jungen Pianist Joey, der den Titelsong für den Film schreibt. Mai 2016 auf dem Broadway Premiere. Cirque Du Soleil Paramour ist das erste Musical von Cirque du Soleil, welches die Musical-Elemente mit Artistik verbindet. In 1998, Violaine Corradi was also selected by Guy Laliberté and Gilles Ste-Croix to become the third main composer for Cirque du Soleil. Iris was a resident Cirque du Soleil show based in Los Angeles, California. Iris was written and directed by French director-choreographer Philippe Decouflé. The bonus CD contains six tracks recorded live in Toronto in 2002 and two remix tracks. Cirque du Soleil. O, whose name is pronounced the same way as eau, the French word for "water", takes place around and above a 1.5-million-US-gallon (5,700 m 3) pool of water. Reise in die Evolution des Menschen TOTEM verfolgt die Entwicklung des Menschen von seinen amphibischen Ursprüngen bis hin zum neuzeitlichen Traum vom Fliegen. This compilation album features music from previous Cirque shows: Saltimbanco, Alegría, Mystère, Quidam, Dralion, Varekai, La Nouba and O. This reflection guides Crystal through her own subconscious, helping her through her own p… Er verliebt sich in sie. In each country, a bonus version of "Love Me Tender" was included, featuring a local singer in place of the singer from the Cirque du Soleil show. Actualmente contamos con 364 artículos desde el 14 de octubre de 2010. The following discography is a catalogue of the albums and singles released by the Canadian entertainment company Cirque du Soleil.. März 2020 eingestellt. Cirkus sestává z několika souborů trvale usídlených a dalších cestujících po celém světě. April 2016 im Lyric Theatre am Broadway. Learn More KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities Music Video. [7] Located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint-Paul on 16 June 1984 by former street performers Guy Laliberté and Gilles Ste-Croix. This Special Edition includes the regular Love CD and an Audio DVD that offers higher-quality sound in several formats including DVD-Audio MLP, DTS, Dolby and PCM. Cirque du Soleil is a Montreal-based entertainment company and the largest contemporary circus producer in the world. A Cirque du Soleil (francia név, magyarul: A Nap Cirkusza, angolul: Circus of the Sun) egy montréali székhelyű szórakoztatóipari vállalat és a világ legnagyobb kortárs cirkusza, melyet az tesz egyedülállóvá, hogy nem folyamodik állatszámokhoz, viszont nagyban támaszkodik mozgásművészek, akrobaták, zsonglőrök, légtornászok és komikusok munkájára. Another major stage element of Totem is a mobile platform called "The Scorpion Bridge". [4] Das Broadway-Musical feiert somit die Europapremiere in Hamburg. This special edition of Varekai comes with a bonus CD and a bonus DVD. Die augenfälligste Besonderheit ist, dass anders als in konventionellen Zirkussen keine Tiere gezeigt werden. Watch video Characters from AXEL. Under The Same Sky Volta Drawn To Life Joyà Kà Love Michael Jackson: One Mexico 2021 Mystère O Paramour X: The Land of Fantasy Vive Nos Divas Past Cirque Shows Events + Experiences Books & Media Cirque Divisions Performers & Staff Next: Austin, TX - April 22, 2020 to … Darum lieben wir den Cirque du Soleil, und werden ihn immer lieben. Jaffa), Emballa (Sun dub) (Louie Vega feat. Those two tracks appear only on the "extended" edition of the CD, released February 19, 2002: This album is a compilation of songs from previous Cirque du Soleil albums, including Nouvelle Expérience, Saltimbanco, Alegría and Mystère. [2] Trotz durchschnittlicher Kassenumsätze soll Cirque 23 Millionen US-Dollar gezahlt haben, um seinen Vertrag vorzeitig zu kündigen, um das Theater zu räumen und die notwendigen Renovierungsarbeiten für den Nachfolger, Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind, zu ermöglichen.[3]. Cirque du Soleil (Pronunție în franceză: /sɪʁk dzy sɔ.lɛj/, „Circul Soarelui”) este o companie de divertisment cu sediul în Montreal și cel mai mare producător de circ contemporan din lume. Beim ESC wurde sie Letzte: Hamburgerin (28) startet jetzt richtig durch, Musicals in Hamburg: Start im September "undenkbar", https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cirque_Du_Soleil_Paramour&oldid=202210390, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, „Geliebter Paramour (engl. Limited editions of previously released remixes in vinyl format (vinyl 12-inch, White Label, 33⅓ RPM) have been released by Cirque du Soleil Musique and sold in Canada and the United States. To escape her reality, she decides to skates out her frustrations at a frozen pond. Företaget är baserat i Montréal i Québec och grundades 1984 av två gatuartister, Guy Laliberté och Daniel Gauthier. Mai 2016 statt. Catalogue of albums and singles released by Cirque du Soleil, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cirque_du_Soleil_discography&oldid=1007675446, Album articles lacking alt text for covers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Frac's Room/Frac and Train/Frac and Giulietta, Filet/Make-Up/Let Love Live [instrumental], El Péndulo - Fenomenon "Northern Comfort Mix", Rubeus—Patzivota and Moon Licht (music videos), The Making of an Angel (documentary excerpt), El Péndulo – Fenomenon "Northern Comfort Mix", Africa – Banzai Republic "Equator Bound Mix", El Pendulo (Fenomenon "Northern Comfort Mix"), Africa (Banzai Republic "Equator Bound Mix"), Emballa (Louie Vega featuring Jaffa "Album Mix"), Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!/I Want You (She's So Heavy)/Helter Skelter, Within You Without You/Tomorrow Never Knows, Here Comes the Sun/The Inner Light (transition), Come Together/Dear Prudence/Cry Baby Cry (transition), Sgt. Die Hauptrollen wurden mit Pasquale Aleardi, Vajèn van den Bosch und Anton Zetterholm besetzt. The first Mystère disc was launched as a studio album in 1994, but it only lasted two years until 1996, when composers René Dupéré and Benoit Jutras composed a new live version of the show, eliminating the studio album that is now considered a collector's item. As she is skating, the ice breaks underneath her and she begins to submerge underwater. Most of the music is not featured in the show itself and never was. Loosely inspired by the Rolling Bridgein London, UK, The Scorpion Bridge serves as an entrance to the main stage. Made of 10,000 lbs (4,500 kg) of steel and containing eight hydraulic motors, The Scorpion Bridge can rise, desc…