While there is disagreement as to the severity of the digital disinformation problem, scholars and practitioners have largely coalesced around the idea that a new system of safeguards is needed to prevent its spread. Christian Barry, Co-Editor of the Journal of Political Philosophy, sat down with Sarah Scoffield from Wiley’s Global Research Team to discuss the advantages of being an early career researcher, the issues they face, and his own experiences when starting out in his career. 2016 Impact Factor: 6 out of 165 Political Science. I argue that when committee members have limited legislative power they resort to making grandstanding speeches in hearings to please their target audience. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 5.266. Springer The best quartile for this journal is Q1. While congressional committee members sometimes hold hearings to collect and transmit specialized information to the floor, they also use hearings as venues to send political messages by framing an issue or a party to the public which I refer to as “grandstanding.” However, we lack clear understanding of when they strategically engage in grandstanding. We also provide experimental evidence in support of our argument. Results show that non-winner-take-all institutions, high media accuracy, low partisanship, and citizen support for democracy typically promote democratic survival. In this sense, every equilibrium outcome of a crisis bargaining game is equivalent to the outcome of an offer in the ultimatum game. Browse the list of issues and latest articles from Asian Journal of Political Science. I study a bargaining model of war in which states contest two issues and the state receiving offers has private information about her value for each issue. An official journal of the International Studies Association. Using multilevel models with a state-school district nested design, I find that White-Black segregation leads to more investment in public education while White-Hispanic segregation, as well as segregation by income, has no effect. Description: Current issues are now on the Chicago Journals website. To test the argument, the analysis draws on municipal-level panel data from nine European countries and implements a difference-in-differences design within two recent cases of franchise extension. Drawing from theories on left-right personality and associated cognitive flexibility, we argue that valence attacks harm the electoral performance of leftist but not rightist parties. Social & Political Sciences study the sociological impacts of political systems, change in political policies and administration. We also argue that the use of hypothetical leaders compounds this problem. Can outside organizations engineer persistent institutional change? Political science has long debated the significance of protest during a democratic transition, but attention has been largely confined to its impact on elite support for democracy. Our empirical strategy makes comparisons only among requests sent to similar agencies on similar topics at similar times, while accounting for the complexity, sophistication, and sensitivity of individual requests. The relative openness of leftist voters makes them more willing to accept negative information about their party and act on it. Racial Sympathy and Its Political Consequences, Rethinking Self-Reliance: Emerson on Mobbing, War, and Abolition, The Electoral Impact of Newly Enfranchised Groups: The Case of Women’s Suffrage in the United States, A Little Bit of Cheap Talk Is a Dangerous Thing: States Can Communicate Intentions Persuasively and Raise the Risk of War, Combining Patronage and Merit in Public Sector Recruitment, A Republic, If You Can Keep It: Breakdown and Erosion in Modern Democracies, When Do Politicians Grandstand? Social Politics is a leading feminist journal that publishes original and cutting edge scholarship on gendered politics and policies in a global context. Impact factor: 1.264. LATEST ISSUE >. The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor (JIF), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. Visit the official website of the journal/conference for the call for paper, submission guidelines, notification date, and submission deadlines. Coverage history of this journal is as following: 1968, 1977, 1980-1981, 1984-1986, 1991, 1996-ongoing. Although prevailing accounts predict that anti-immigrant sentiment will fuel cuts in social spending, this perspective overlooks institutional variation in foreign voting rights. Treated residents also report larger farms, although overall effects on property rights and investment are mixed. This result is robust across a broad array of alternative specifications. In studies of voting behavior, racial resentment has consistently been associated with decreased support for black candidates. Ted Hayduk. The staggered timing of local program implementation allows me to credibly estimate the causal effect of this new benefit on election outcomes. Journal of Chinese Political Science (JCPS) has been recently accepted into SSCI, Clarivate (formerly Thomson Reuter) Social Sciences Citation Index. JTP provides a forum for the publication of original papers seeking to make genuinely theoretical contributions to the study of politics. We conducted a novel survey that oversampled the top 5% of the US income and wealth distributions. Using 12,820 House committee hearing transcripts from the 105th to 114th Congresses and employing a crowd-sourced supervised learning method, I measure a “grandstanding score” for each statement that committee members make. The Journal of Politics winter hiatus will run from Friday, December 13, 2019 through Wednesday, January 15, 2020.During this period we will not accept new manuscripts. What leads elites to break their democratic commitments? Global Journal of Politics and Law Research is an international peer-reviewed journal published in March, June, September and December by the European Centre for Research, Training and Development (ECRTD), UK. Using an original measure—the racial sympathy index—I find that sympathy motivates support for policies perceived to benefit, as well as opposition to policies perceived to harm, African Americans. Policy & Politics is a world-leading journal that is committed to advancing our understanding of the dynamics of policy-making and implementation. Impact factor: 2.830. Racial sympathy is distinct from a more general sympathy, as it does not shape opinion related to other groups. Effective informal institutions should help people reach and maintain bargains, minimizing violence. Journal of Chinese Political Science (JCPS) has been recently accepted into SSCI, Clarivate (formerly Thomson Reuter) Social Sciences Citation Index. Search in: Advanced search. The commercial peace theory maintains that trade fosters peace because trade makes conflict more costly. Juliana Martínez-Franzoni. November 2007. According to our model, if states are behaving optimally, then we should observe no relationship between the bargaining protocol and the risk of war or distribution of benefits. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 5.266. The organization or individual who handles the printing and distribution of printed or digital publications is known as Publisher. The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Journal of Politics : 41269. Specifically, self-reliance requires contemplating and then acting on personal moral rules. We do this by matching wave 2 of the Arab Barometer survey with georeferenced protest events reported in Arabic-language newspapers. 2019 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics): 23/55 (Ethics) 95/181 (Political Science) Online ISSN: 1467-9760. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela. Is an Ultimatum the Last Word on Crisis Bargaining? MITPress. The findings have important implications for research on nonideological rhetoric in party competition. We investigate how the structure of the international bargaining process affects the resolution of crises. However, focusing on dyadic trade or overall trade integration, previous studies provide an inaccurate picture of the material incentives that states face in the event of military conflict. Elsevier Will this strengthen property rights and investment? I then allow players to resolve this uncertainty through costless diplomacy. Journal of Politics and Law (JPL) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field of politics and law. 5 year Impact Factor. This distinction matters because Americans often have strong existing opinions of the president, such that situational disapproval does not damage general approval. I employ a difference-in-differences approach that exploits the heterogeneity in the proportion of women across counties to estimate preferences of women voters and show that these preferences vary with the strength of the suffrage movement. Journal of Politics is cited by a total of 990 articles during the last 3 years (Preceding 2018). *Journal Impact Factors courtesy of the 2019 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (Clarivate Analytics, 2020). However, under some conditions, higher democracy support can threaten democracy. International Feminist Journal of Politics. This question is examined in Tanzania, which has implemented large health programs targeting diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria. The theory also offers testable predictions about policy recommendations and the overseer’s acceptance or rejection of these recommendations. Wiley No impact factor infomation for this journal. We find that this relationship was principally driven by longer-lasting, static street protests that targeted public space. ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number. Affrika: Journal of Politics, Economics and Society (Affrika), a multidisciplinary journal, is committed to the publication of constructive articles on the range of issues that affect Africa and African people world-wide. ISSN: 0001-6810 (print) ISSN: 1741-1416 (electronic) Journal no. Our secondary design allows us to alter the president’s partisanship. These findings highlight that de jure inclusion of a previously disenfranchised group may not be sufficient to secure de facto representation of the group’s shared interests. After accounting for the time correlation, there is no evidence that nonresponse bias has inflated estimates of mass polarization. 5-year Impact Factor 3.276 (6th out of 165 journals) 2016 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2017) Google Scholar h5-index: 40 (7th out of 20 journals) The Journal of Theoretical Politics is an international peer reviewed journal one of whose principal aims is to foster the development of theory in the study of political processes. The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Contemporary Politics is 1.65, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition. Accordingly, politicians will interfere to ensure their copartisans are hired to low-skilled jobs but select bureaucrats for high-skilled positions based on meritocratic criteria. Journal of Politics has an h-index of 105. We experimentally evaluate a United Nations and civil society mass education campaign to promote alternative dispute resolution practices and norms in rural Liberia, where violent land disputes are common. Scholars have argued that leaders pay domestic audience costs for backing down from a prior position. Editors. Common political economy models point to rationalist motives for engaging in conflict but say little about how income shocks translate into collective violence in some cases but not in others. © European Consortium for Political Research. It is published by University of Chicago Press. However, diplomacy has a dark side: when it causes the offer to switch from a balanced offer to a concentrated offer, it induces an equilibrium that (weakly) carries a larger risk of war because concentrated offers confront risk over the receiver’s relative value between issues. EJPG is the flagship journal of the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG). I distinguish between low- and high-skilled positions and argue that the former are valuable for sustaining party machines, while manipulating the latter can undermine state performance. These results highlight the importance of campaign context in shaping how voters respond to racial, partisan, and ideological cues. In testing this argument, I use evidence from the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment in the United States. Findings suggest that grandstanding efforts are made more commonly among minority members under a unified government, by nonchair members of powerful committees, and in committees with jurisdiction over policies where the president wields primary power, such as foreign affairs and national security. An ISSN is a unique code of 8 digits. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2015 impact factor of 1.840, ranking it 24th out of 163 journals in the category "Political Science". Growing evidence suggests that pocketbook considerations influence voting behavior in the United States and other developed countries and that incumbents can use targeted government benefits to win voter support. 2019 JCR Impact Factor*: 2.658. Prior work showed a drop in violence and unresolved disputes within one year. Established in 1939 and published for the Southern Political Science Association, The Journal of Politics is a leading general-interest journal of political science and the oldest regional political science journal in the United States. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. Union enlistment similarly let free Blacks and antislavery Northerners enact their principles and achieve a measure of self-reliance. Ex post review is a common feature of policy-making institutions. Grievance models, in contrast, focus on structural origins of shared frustration but offer less insight into when the deprived decide to challenge the status quo. European Journal of Political Research is the ECPR's longest-running journal and is consistently one of the highest ranking journals in the discipline. is 3.07, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition. Author Guidelines. We find robust evidence for our argument at the aggregate and individual levels, using original data on media coverage of party campaigns in 10 European countries. The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Journal of Politics in Latin America is 0.83, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition.Journal of Politics in Latin America IF is increased by a factor of 0.26 and approximate percentage change is 45.61% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a rising trend. Journal of Political Economy | Citations: 16,350 | Read 24 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. To what extent do the material stakes of specific policies motivate political participation by affected interests? Using the content of public comments and commenters’ political contributions, our study is the first to locate the spatial position of rulemaking proposals. Other Journals The Fletcher forum Pioneer America Society transactions : P.A.S.T. The scholarship published in The Journal of Politics is theoretically innovative and methodologically diverse, and comprises a blend of the various intellectual approaches that make up the discipline. Edited By: Professor Isabelle Engeli, Associate Professor Emiliano Grossman and Professor Sofia Vasilopoulou. The results imply that segregation is still shaping public education. Delivers political science research with an edge. We examine whether affluent Americans are more likely than others to hold individuals responsible for relative success in life and whether such beliefs are associated with their economic policy attitudes. Established in 1939 and published for the Southern Political Science Association, The Journal of Politics is a leading general-interest journal of political science and the oldest regional political science journal in the United States. Party Politics is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the study of this integral component within political science. Open access. Note: The impact factor shown here is equivalent to citescore and is, therefore, used as a replacement for the same. An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique code of 8 digits. We return after three years to test for sustained impacts and mechanisms. An empirical analysis of ultimata in international crises supports this claim. To develop a more democratic alternative, I draw from the work of Harold D. Lasswell and John Dewey to argue that we should study the organization of digital publics. This article formally analyzes incumbent abuse in democracies, the most common modern initiator of democratic breakdown. List of issues Latest articles Partial Access; Volume 28 2020 Volume 27 2019 Volume 26 2018 Volume 25 2017 Volume 24 2016 Volume 23 2015 Volume 22 2014 Volume 21 2013 …