I don't know if the alleged missing sheet means anything or not. Things can definitely go south when there’s an inheritance involved.it sounds like this guy has serious concerns.Horrific,if any if it’s true.i wonder why she got rid of her cell phone? Also the cousin and the son-in-law seem to have contradictory statements about how and when Sandra normally would pick up cigarettes for the weekend if she’s staying overnight at the camp with her cousin. [–]blackopsbarbie 4 points5 points6 points 4 months ago (1 child). Theres also a Brook nearby. Anlässlich der Generalversammlung der ESA ist die Botschaft «Reparieren statt ersetzen» perfekt platziert. Thank you for the data. No bank account or debit card. [–]lopresti85 0 points1 point2 points 4 months ago (0 children), Sounds like the Jeremy jourdain case 5 almost years later it’s still unsolved, [–]kgbrown2222 0 points1 point2 points 17 days ago (1 child). The posts below from the person claiming to be Sandra's brother are a year old now and nothing has happened. The police did not and do not consider the house to be a crime scene. I find it odd that they don't release the name or any details about the family member who drove her home. According to the vanished podcast, the daughter and son in law are suspicious of the siblings, they didn’t comment on the podcast and haven’t gone around and help search for her or anything. The way he says every little detail especially the part when him and the kids last saw her and quoting word for word how they said goodbye granny, then he choked up. I understand t people that are 70, 80 even 90 have one but not everyone has one. her daughter said there may have been signs of a struggle in her home. Es ist das fünfte Projekt, welches die Mobiliar in der Region unterstützt: In Fraubrunnen, Büren zum Hof, Münchringen und Bätterkinden hat sie sich bereits früher an Hochwasserschutzmassnahmen beteiligt. What happened with that?!!!! Seems to go along with Sandras brothers thoughts. Anything I've heard from LE seems to indicate nothing was wrong in the house. [–]Itsnotthatkritikal 0 points1 point2 points 12 days ago (3 children), I’m not sure why that makes them sound suspicious? [–]Publius_Paterculus 9 points10 points11 points 4 months ago (1 child). [–]Birder64 0 points1 point2 points 3 months ago (0 children), I know her son in law dropped her off home, supposedly, [–]MurderSheet 12 points13 points14 points 4 months ago (9 children). They would have used computers in high school. If Sandra didn't care about money, why didn't she split the fathers assets? Klasse, die KK würfeln der Reihe nach. That's interesting. I wonder if he's talking about jewelrey, coins or actual gold bars? [–]pmperry68 -1 points0 points1 point 1 month ago (0 children). My mom has a cell phone; my father does not. I wonder if she was drunk and went for a walk and stumbled into the water maybe? Money does funny things to people. The daughter might not have known (or had reason to omit information). I thought when the sil said he would work a double shift and then go search..in thr dark? What was the reason for her initial move, is there bad blood or bad love/loose ends (whether real or perceived?) Jane/John DoePhenomenaAMAView All. With her sing songy responses on the podcast. It is always so mind boggling and also quite scary to me when people just disappear without a trace like this. There is some information on other websites that points to a family disagreement over an inheritance. [–]Throwawaybecause7777 4 points5 points6 points 4 months ago (1 child). In unserer Schadenabteilung erledigen wir neun von zehn Schadenfällen an Ort und Stelle, in eigener Kompetenz, rasch und unkompliziert. I basically found all of this on Hanson's GIS website, you can filter in marshes/bogs/ponds/dirt paths. Die Gesamtkosten belaufen sich auf 723 000 Franken. [–]pmperry68 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (5 children). I live in Mass and I haven't seen so much as a missing poster around. [–]ocleary17 4 points5 points6 points 1 month ago (0 children). Listen to the podcast. Sandra Kirschenhofer, PDF - 1/2012 ; Neujahrsvorsätze Spiel für der 3. Yeah, who knows what to believe. https://imgur.com/oYauoag, [–]kabo7474 2 points3 points4 points 4 months ago (0 children), [–]YellowSea11 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (10 children). Also, what kind of area is it? [–]breckbrian 2 points3 points4 points 3 months ago (0 children). Hierfür schenken wir Ihnen für jeden neu vermittelten Jugendkunden einen Ticketcorner-Gutschein im Wert von 60 Franken. Perhaps she was letting the dog out the back door when someone came up on her. It might indicate there was more money involved than just the 240k she used to buy the house. I always think these unsolved mysteries are heartbreaking, which is why I'm obsessed with them! Not to mention, not going over to see why no answer when you live a few miles away. Perhaps she was very poor, but it's incredibly bizarre for someone that age to not have the Internet. Crispo was a grandmother, yes, but she was also relatively young (54). Did the daughter and SIL search with you? Maybe she crawled in to a crawl space and got stuck some where or, like you said, went for a walk and succumbed to misadventure. [–]Detectruth 0 points1 point2 points 12 days ago (12 children). Curioser and curioser. Not really. Geez, that's the way of steering public imagination by describing the missing woman merely as a 'grandmother'. ... For sure one of a kind, uncle Bun would be the guy to keep an eye on at party, or at branding time, or at a family gathering. The 1994 Disappearance of Tracy Haight from Boise County, ID. Did Crispo have any health issues that might’ve caused unusual behavior? [–]14thCenturyHood[S] 19 points20 points21 points 4 months ago (8 children). This is exactly what I thought! I don't think it's necessarily pointing to anything nefarious but I also do think it's notable. How did she leave Cumberland farms with no car? Mit Auszahlungen aus dem Ãberschussfonds in Form von Prämienreduktionen lassen wir Sie am Erfolg teilhaben. Say, if he had criminal friends. Wonder what she planned on doing all day home alone the day after she was dropped off with no car on a hot summer day. I think times are purposefully being left out by LE for a reason, [–]Detectruth 0 points1 point2 points 17 days ago (2 children). [–]blueskies8484 12 points13 points14 points 4 months ago (1 child). The other is she walked away. Did police test for blood spatter? Not to my knowledge. Deshalb vertrauen mehr als 30 000 Menschen auf die Mobiliar in Burgdorf, Sumiswald und Fraubrunnen. One, what did Sandra do for a career? [–]Detectruth 1 point2 points3 points 17 days ago (0 children). [–]scandinavianplumber 3 points4 points5 points 1 month ago (0 children). [–]Detectruth 3 points4 points5 points 1 month ago (0 children). [–]Itsnotthatkritikal 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (2 children). My teenage daughter dated a teenage boy who did not have a cell phone and only email for contact. The Disappearance of Laureen Rahn (PART ONE OF TWO): On a spring night in 1980, a New Hampshire woman came home to find her 14-year-old daughter missing. It seems like police might be withholding that intentionally, not because they think he is involved directly, but maybe because he is involved indirectly. I remember when this first happened my first thought was she might have been going for a walk in some of the wooded area or in the burrage (it's a state park) and she tripped and someone would find her or she would make her way out but it never happened. But this is the same daughter who said her mother had no substance abuse or mental health problems. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/mobile/#mobile-phone-ownership-over-time, [–]IGOMHN 5 points6 points7 points 4 months ago (0 children). I don't know how much truth there is to it since no one has said it's not true. How do you know the SIL has been cleared? Jeanette C. Ebensteiner, age 75, passed away suddenly Feb. 26, 2021, at her home in Sauk Rapids. In der 16. With so little information it is frustrating to say the least. It was so odd. If you are in your early 50's and can't handle a debit card, something is very wrong. Just curious would anyone just bring 3 little kids if they didn't get an answer after calling for 2 days? I believe he was also instrumental in somehow getting the neighbor's cow up into the barn's hay loft; could swipe the wiener off your roasting stick in one daft move. Not many people know about these systems but I think they should definitely do a more extensive search of this particular area I described. [–]thruitallaway34 5 points6 points7 points 4 months ago (0 children). Her daughter and son-in-law talked her into taking it to their mechanic to have it repaired. Saying people in their 50's are too elderly to have a cell phone? LOL, not even close. I wonder how well those areas have been searched? After that, they went to her house. I am constantly checking to see if any progress has been made or any more information has come to light but nothing has. What happened to Laureen Rahn? She definitely wasn't independently wealthy by any means. Someone unfamiliar in the house may also explain why her dog was behaving strangely. Fünf Prozent mehr Prämienvolumen für die Generalagentur Burgdorf: Auch 2019 verzeichnet die Mobiliar im Raum Burgdorf ein starkes Wachstum. [–]breckbrian 1 point2 points3 points 21 days ago (1 child). Mr Fox was always charming, pleasant and kind when I met him for lunch with Merilee or he stopped by the office to visit Merilee. Three months after her move, she disappeared. Staffel 14, Folge 07 . [–]hiker16 17 points18 points19 points 4 months ago (33 children). If it just means "bought outright", I agree it's less strange. The 1st podcast mentioned last outgoing was to her daughter Tues I believe the last call Sandra answered was on Wednesday afternoon while she was babysitting. Especially the last person with her, which was her son in law. From the Websleuth article: " 47 Spofford Ave property in April of 2019 for $240,000. "' Also, it was her son-in-law who dropped her off at home that day and he has been cleared by law enforcement. I think the immediate family is responsible. If she was a homebody and just barely moved there, I wouldn't think she would have issues with many there. I don’t know. Praktisch! Its obvious at this point somethobg is wrong. Das Grossbauprojekt ist auf Kurs, wie ein Besuch vor Ort zeigt. Did she ever go back to pick her car up? What about her daughter’s father? I think these are vital questions. Each podcast seems to be explaining something they have been accused of. Busty German actress Sandra Hüller feels a bit uncomfortable when a scary black dude takes off her bra and exposes her big hooters during their interracial sex romp! [–]breckbrian 2 points3 points4 points 1 month ago (1 child). But this is a strange one and I'm open to all reasonable possibilities. [–]Publius_Paterculus 7 points8 points9 points 4 months ago (5 children), Per Statista, 12% of people in her age group do not use the internet. Portal des FreeMail-Pioniers mit Nachrichten und vielen Services. Why would you intrude on the house and property possibly tampering with evidence unless that was your objective. Her daughter did say something about a bed slat being out of place or off the frame and she said a sheet was missing. Dr Phil included Sandra on his show in a segment about missing people, but thats the most exposure this case has gotten. There is not any reason she needed a cell phone per say. Celebrate the love of family or give a thoughtful gift with one-of-kind personalized signs, rustic décor and more! A Sibling has been suspicious of daughter and sil. I'm that exact age; I wrote all my university essays on computers. [–]Chance-Ad8039 1 point2 points3 points 12 days ago (0 children). The doors were unlocked and AC running. Sandra Crispo, 54, of Hanson, Massachusetts, last made contact with her family on August 7, 2019. I wonder if the mechanic had sc home phone #.Maybe he offered to help her pick up her fixed car.A lure. Linda Esposito posted on 4/8/21. [–]OFD6714 1 point2 points3 points 18 days ago (0 children). Its obvious at this point something is wrong. Its not unheard of. She has not been seen or heard from since. Monponsett pond is a 5 minute walk to the South-west of her house. I wonder if her brother has an alibi for the day she went missing. I would blanket the State if it was my Mom. Ob Führungsposition, Teilzeitarbeit oder Lehrstelle â bei der Mobiliar finden Sie spannende und herausfordernde Aufgaben, die Sie persönlich weiter bringen. https://boston.cbslocal.com/2020/08/07/sandra-crispo-hanson-police-searching-missing-woman-one-year-anniversary/, [–]weamborg 10 points11 points12 points 4 months ago* (0 children). It was first said a family member gave Sandra the ride home, then they gave the info the Sil dropped her off. [–]fritzimist 0 points1 point2 points 4 months ago (0 children), [–]Aleks5020 1 point2 points3 points 4 months ago (4 children). Very odd how that fact changed. [–]Corrigan07 2 points3 points4 points 4 months ago (0 children), Ugh. The last sighting is from the family member who dropped her off. It's rather unusual for people in their 50s to not have at least a basic cell phone and internet access in their home. I think that’s awfully convenient. Someone claiming to he her brother Michael has been posting on social media about a conspiracy to murder their father (died in January 2018 at age 84), and Sandra herself. Tbh it seems like you just decided you believe the brother for whatever reason. If it was paid for with the proceeds from the father's house sale "they" didn't buy her a house. She found the doors unlocked, the air conditioning on, and Sandra's beloved dog lying on the couch looking scared. They may have suspects and are collecting as much as they can to get a warrant down the road. March 10, 2021. 23 years is a pretty big age gap technology-wise. I suspect there’s more to the story than the articles are saying. In the recent podcast Sandra's daughter said she was in a rush to get to work because she was training for a new job. That’s why, when articles covering true crime cases say that someone would “never” run off, commit suicide, etc., I kind of take it with a grain of salt, so to speak. Schnell steht fest, dass es sich dabei um Mord handelt. I mean, if he loved her so much and was so close, then why was he so chill about her being MIA. Her son-in-law, Tim, is the one who drove her to Cumby's and dropped her off at home. My guess is alcoholism, I got a wink wink nudge nudge about it from someone who is close with the family that makes me feel that way, so I am suspicious of the claims that she had no history of mental health issues. What a horrifying thought. There is so much missing in this case. Sandra suddenly sold the family home in Quincy and moved to Hanson. I wonder if there is so little to go on, police were trying to keep that information close to the vest. Kundinnen und Kunden der Mobiliar erhalten eine Ermässigung von 20% auf Einzeleintritten oder Jahreskarten. Sandra's daughter has said that several people have been cleared - including her father - but nothing has been confirmed by LE. They were available when current 60 year olds were 30!! She didn't work. The wife? It seems unusual that Sandra did not have a cell phone — not even a flip-phone — or a computer. [–]YellowSea11 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (7 children). [–]Itsnotthatkritikal 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (13 children). How does a homebody grandmother just vanish like that? Got back in his truck, stopped for cigarettes and drove back to drop Sandra at her house, supposedly. She was attractive, dressed kind of trendy. Not to mention at the same time he talks about how calm he was even when his wife was freaking out he insisted that she waits overnight before going to check on her mom. Hearthwood Veterinary Hospital is your local Veterinarian in Vancouver serving all of your needs. I also feel like, in this day and age, its going to be hard to start over with out a digital foot print of some kind, if she "ran away." Der Begriff Deutschnamibier bezeichnet die deutschstämmigen Staatsbürger der südwestafrikanischen Republik Namibia.Sie selbst bezeichnen sich zur Abgrenzung von den anderen ethnischen bzw. maybe they were looking for the previous owners. [–]buttsmcgillicutty 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago (2 children). All IMO. [–]Spare-Estate1477 0 points1 point2 points 9 days ago (0 children). There is hardly any crime, typically calls to the police are accidents, domestic issues. Law enforcement has not said they've cleared anyone. ... Sandra Gracia. They will figure it out. Thanks for sharing! Her grown daughter has two young boys whom Sandra adored and spent as much time as possible with. Have not heard about the forensics? Nice write-up! I don’t think the reason is financial. Dank diesen Schutzmassnahmen soll Wynigen künftig vor grossflächigen Ãberschwemmungen wie zuletzt 2007 verschont bleiben. Die zügigen Bauarbeiten schritten gut voran, sie dauerten von Herbst bis Winter 2008. A less likely theory is that Sandra had a mental break of some sort and left on her own. He seemed more nostalgic in a weird way as if she was already gone and that he was guilty it was a guilty cry in my opinion crocodile tears. If so then did the cousin miss her call? Reply. Interesting that the person she got a ride with has not been ruled out as a suspect. [–]ZenNifer8 4 points5 points6 points 22 days ago* (4 children). After that, nothing. From our hearts to yours, may you be comforted. I had never heard of it before. 96% of Americans own a cell phone, including 95% of people 50 - 64 years old, and most of the small percentage who don't own them are making less than $30,000 per year. I think I'll have to listen to it again, because I dont recall the son in law sounding off. This guy is hiding something! I never felt like an intruder came in and took her. Persönliche Beratung ist uns wichtig: Vom ersten Gespräch über den Abschluss der Versicherung bis hin zum Schadenfall sind wir hier in Burgdorf, Sumiswald und Fraubrunnen für Sie da. I also read those posts and it also said something about missing gold and her Dads estate of over a million dollars. Rendered by PID 20312 on r2-app-0be9117fc86ed84f6 at 2021-04-11 20:17:46.328516+00:00 running 4ce0720 country code: BR. Sandra could have let the person in. Who was the family member? It seems extra odd she didnt have a cell phone or internet. O'Connor went to Stanford University when she was only 16. Die Mobiliar Generalagentur Burgdorf berät Sie gerne. Later reports said it was a family member or family friend. MelÂden Sie uns IhÂren SchaÂden gleich hier â rasch und unÂkomÂpliÂziert, Die Mobiliar engagiert sich für eine abwechslungsreiche und praxisnahe Ausbildung der Lernenden im Versicherungswesen. Not that they necessarily spoke at that time. But I’m probably overthinking it. [–]Detectruth 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (0 children). I also think that family members/friends may not always be forthcoming when, for instance, their loved one had a history of depression, substance abuse, or getting involved in shady business dealings. I am from this town and the facet that she is still gone is heartbreaking, [–]Publius_Paterculus 8 points9 points10 points 4 months ago (19 children). Malen, Schreiben, Bekleben,... und sie dann frankiert an die Schule schicken. WHERE IS THE DOG AT THIS POINT? [–]breckbrian 0 points1 point2 points 4 months ago (23 children). Wir gehen den Weg gerne gemeinsam mit Ihnen und beantworten diese. A dog who's used to greeting people at the door doesn't just stop one day. Sounds crazy, but she is missing, bought a house for cash. The Disappearance of Laureen Rahn (PART TWO OF TWO): On a spring night in 1980, a New Hampshire woman came home to find her 14-year-old daughter missing. I was an adult before I had my own phone and computer too, and still believe it’s unusual because of her age and living situation. To go to a pattern: Scroll down the page until you see the quilt you like, then click on the words "CLICK for PDF download" (or the hyperlinked website name) in the title above the quilt.And for more free patterns see Part 2 of this series! I know the daughter, per social media, was searching alone at times right after her disappearance. Why no cell phone or computer? The problem with that theory is that it takes a concerted effort and some know how to disappear of your own volition either to live a new life or just commit suicide. Why is the cell phone important to this? [–]IGOMHN 1 point2 points3 points 4 months ago (6 children). They can't screw this up if she was murdered. Also, what’s the deal with her son? On June 4th, 2018, Megan Dyer-MacLean was found poisoned by Strychnine behind her home in small-town Pittstown, New York. I definitely think foul play, and by someone she knew. I agree. She wasn’t living in a hospital, prison, convent, etc. Either she was some kind of technophobe or she had something to hide/was hiding from someone. I also thought it was interesting that the wife and husband i.e. She's of French-Canadian descent. And plenty of people that age are not good enough with computers to justify having internet. An über 100 verschiedenen Standorten in der ganzen Schweiz fliegen inzwischen die âMoBeesâ â auch bei uns auf der Generalagentur Burgdorf. Someone always tells someone it seems. And she paid for her house in cash? Again, they could have cleared him because his alibi is rock solid, but still suspect he knows more than he's telling. the last incoming answered call was Wed from Sandras Cousin T. While the children were still there and when they discussed making plans and Sandra was to call T back when she got home from mechanics. [–]Publius_Paterculus 8 points9 points10 points 4 months ago (0 children). That to me, is a red flag. Why wouldn't they meet him at the police station if that is what the brother wanted? Bridgwater Murders: After sexually assaulting a woman in the presence of her son, Henry Abbot ends up dead in the river. In the beginning, it didn't seem that Cristina (Sandra Oh) was the kind of person anyone would get along with. She doesn’t use a computer, but still has an iPhone which she enjoys. Five days into their trip, they disappeared. ... but it feels kind of like a lack of actual evidence one way or another. [–]Aleks5020 12 points13 points14 points 4 months ago (5 children). CryptidLost ArtifactsDisappearanceAnnouncement [–]breckbrian 1 point2 points3 points 3 months ago (4 children). Sounds like she very quickly got a back up babysitter and continued on to work in Boston. Family members and friends may see someone who appears happy and content in life but not know what internal struggles their loved one is facing. As the show progressed, though, Cristina won fans over. The local police said about the case "We have nothing." The brother's FB posts go pretty far back. Who was watching the kids while he "searched" or was it to remove his tracks. She made a call to her cousin at 5:30, well past when her son in law and grandchildren dropped her at home. President Ronald Reagan nominated her for the highest court in the land. My grandmother (in her 90s) refused to use a phone or computer, but she is decades older than Sandra. Aber er muss mit offenen Augen durch die Welt gehen â und alles wissen wollen!». In an earlier podcast, it was reported that Sandra made no calls on Wednesday at all and that her last outgoing call was on Tuesday to her daughter. [–]TartofDarkness79 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (1 child). [–]JessicaFletcherings 22 points23 points24 points 4 months ago (0 children). [–]JustSomeBoringRando 1 point2 points3 points 1 month ago (3 children). I think they actually said nothing appeared amiss with no signs of struggle. [–]UdonNoodles095 3 points4 points5 points 4 months ago (1 child), I agree, my mom is a little bit older (in her 60s) and not at all tech savvy, but she still has a cell phone and iPad. Yeah, it's gotten very little attention. Detect, I live real close to where SC went missing from.