She is chairwoman of the shareholders' meeting and of the steering committee of Bertelsmann Verwaltungsgesellschaft, where she serves as family spokesperson. It was founded in 1977 by Reinhard Mohn as the result of social, corporate and fiscal considerations. At the end of the 1970s, there were discussions concerning who would follow Reinhard Mohn as chairman of Bertelsmann. Zukunft gestalten. [181][182] The practical implementation of this principle, however, has been questioned from several sides, in particular because the foundation has only established contacts with "radical supporters of market policies" among left-leaning parties. Commenting on the foundation's "engagement with civil society," Wolfgang Lieb, former state secretary in the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Science, has argued that this legitimacy is being increasingly diminished, and even replaced by, economic power. 2 Franco Algieri, Thomas Bauer, Klaus Brummer Options for the Further Development of CFSP and ESDP without a European Constitution (October 2005) No. Bound to Cooperate - Europe and the Middle East II. For the U.S. arm, see, president of the Federal Republic of Germany, "Learning from the World: Why Reinhard Mohn Founded the Bertelsmann Stiftung", "Die Methode Bertelsmann: Eine Stiftung regiert das Land", "Wettbewerb und bürgerschaftliches Engagement", "Profilansicht: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung", "Weitblick und Geschick: Schwab erhält Reinhard-Mohn-Preis", "Nach dem Tod von Reinhard Mohn: Bertelsmann bewahrt Tradition", "Gunter Thielen geht zurück zur Bertelsmann Stiftung", "Neuer Chef für Bertelsmann-Stiftung: Heck löst De Geus ab", "Enkel von Reinhard Mohn: Thomas Coesfeld engagiert sich bei der Bertelsmann-Stiftung", "Die Industrieländer müssen ihre Märkte öffnen", "Schlimme Vorwürfe gegen Bertelsmann Stiftung", "Autoren greifen Bertelsmann Stiftung an", "Gemeinnützigkeit ist ein gutes Geschäft", "Die Bertelsmann Stiftung und ihre Verflechtungen / Referat im Rahmen einer Vortragsreihe des Rosa-Luxemburg-Clubs Wuppertal", "Deutschlandfunk Zwischentöne als Audio – Ein Experiment bei den Nachdenkseiten (Mitschnitt der Sendung)", "Fäden der Macht: Die Bertelsmann-Connection und das Ende der Freiberuflichkeit", "Bürgerrechtler kritisieren Bertelsmann Stiftung", "Die Bertelsmann Stiftung auf einen Blick", "Piraten kritisieren Bertelsmann Stiftung", "Ist die Bertelsmann Stiftung noch gemeinnützig? Jährlich erscheinen circa 20 Novitäten. … [165][166] In his opinion, the originally good idea behind the foundation developed into a "distorted world,"[167] the basic organization of which he called into question. "[20] In the meantime, the Bertelsmann Stiftung had come to play a central role in Reinhard Mohn's sociopolitical activities. [7][8][9] Die Bertelsmann Stiftung fördert Reformprozesse und Prinzipien unternehmerischen Handelns, um eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft aufzubauen. [21] Mohn functioned as the foundation's sole executive and was supported by a newly created advisory board from 1983 onwards. Die Situation vor Ort gestaltet sich... Thomas Middelhoff, Gerd Schulte-Hillen, Gunter Thielen (Publisher) (Hardcover), 2001. Founded by Reinhard Mohn in 1995 and based in Barcelona, the Fundación Bertelsmann develops and carries out projects for promoting social change in Spain. [134][135][136], With the support of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the Center for Hospital Management (CKM) was founded in 1994 as a research institute at the University of Münster. Studies Public Administration, Comparative Politics, and European Studies. [60], The Bertelsmann Stiftung's managerial and representative bodies report to the executive Board, which, according to the foundation's bylaws, consists of at least three members who are appointed and removed by the board of trustees. Der C. Bertelsmann Verlag ist Keimzelle des Bertelsmann-Konzerns und gehört heute zur Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe. Die Bertelsmann Stiftung ist eine selbständige Stiftung des privaten Rechts mit Sitz in Gütersloh. [3], Since its establishment, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has invested a total of €1.7 billion in charitable work. [105] The institute has become a completely independent organization. [172] The sociologist and entrepreneur Frank Adloff has argued that it is indefensible that the foundation does not need to justify the use of its funds before any parliament or oversight authority. [197] In addition to ver.di, other participants included Attac, GEW, IG Metall and the Otto Brenner Foundation. In the report's foreword, Karl Carstens, president of the Federal Republic of Germany, praised the "achievement of foundations in the public sphere. [195] The Bertelsmann Stiftung is the driving force behind privatizations and cuts to social welfare programs, critics claimed. [99] In addition, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has also been involved for years in vocational education and training. [149], The foundation has examined the impact of globalization on society is examined in terms of the opportunities and risks it presents. He called on politicians to stop allowing themselves to be influenced by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and to take criticism of the foundation seriously. [173], Another criticism involves a lack of democratic legitimacy. The reason was that Arvato, a division of the Bertelsmann Group, declared the privatization of public services a strategic business area. It was founded in 1977 by Reinhard Mohn as the result of social, corporate and fiscal considerations. Menschen bewegen. [138][139] The Bertelsmann Stiftung is no longer one of the shareholders of the CKM Centrum für Krankenhausmanagement GmbH. [54][55] Since 2012, the foundation has been led by Aart De Geus,[56] former Dutch minister of labor and social affairs. [62], The Bertelsmann Stiftung is funded primarily by dividends from the Bertelsmann Group. [32][33] Mikhail Gorbachev was a guest during his first trip to Germany after the demise of the Soviet Union. [122][123] It also promotes volunteer work and other activities that increase social cohesion,[124] in part by awarding of the "Mein gutes Beispiel" (My Best Practice) prize. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung. Based on the results of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2006 (BTI), this study challenges widespread assumptions and stereotypes about the nature of political violence. [6] Dabei spielten sowohl gesellschafts- und unternehmenspolitische Motive als auch steuerliche Gründe eine Rolle. [173] Speaking with broadcaster Deutschlandfunk in 2007, the former SPD politician and publicist Albrecht Müller called the foundation an "anti-democratic institution. The foundation's Bertelsmann Group shares are solely capital shares; voting rights are held by the Bertelsmann Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH. Model projects in this area have been carried out repeatedly since the end of the 1990s to achieve a number of objectives, including more and better music education in preschools. Description. [100], In the 1990s, the Bertelsmann Stiftung's activities in the area of higher education received particularly widespread public attention,[101] for example the establishment of the Centre for Higher Education (CHE) in 1994 by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the German Rectors' Conference. [38] In the 1993 transfer agreement, however, shareholdings and voting rights were strictly separated, so that the foundation cannot exercise any significant influence on the Bertelsmann Group,[10] which is still largely controlled by the Mohn family. [174] By consulting with politicians outside of government settings, Lieb suggests, the Bertelsmann Stiftung is pursuing a "privatization of politics," a situation that offers mutual benefits: civil servants and politicians are given a protected space where they alone are provided with information free of charge and where they can engage in discussion, while the Bertelsmann Stiftung secures access to all the projects it wants to influence. [200], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}51°54′30″N 8°25′09″E / 51.90833°N 8.41917°E / 51.90833; 8.41917, "Bertelsmann Foundation" redirects here. Sie wurde 1977 von Reinhard Mohn ins Leben gerufen. Its activities almost always involved turning some alleged administrative failure into a scandal, Kraus said. Wir bereiten Forschungsergebnisse und Arbeitsmaterialien der Stiftungsprojekte auf und stellen sie - gedruckt oder als E-Book - dem interessierten Publikum vor. [88][89] Key fields are education, democracy, social affairs, health, the economy and culture. [22], In 1988, the Bertelsmann Stiftung awarded the Carl Bertelsmann Prize (now known as the Reinhard Mohn Prize) for the first time. He developed the concept of an operational foundation that develops and oversees its own projects. [131][132] Moreover, it has launched several projects in the last few years that promote informed decision-making among the public in the area of health care. [102] This institution sees itself as a "workshop" for developing reforms for Germany's higher education institutions. Eine Expertise unabhängiger Juristen", "Bertelsmann kämpft mit Boykott von Verdi",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 March 2021, at 08:45. Released: Jul 30, 2010. [133] The projects include the Internet portal "Weiße Liste" (White List) which helps users find the doctor, hospital, nursing home or nursing service that is right for them. For his entrepreneurial and … In our books, we pose new questions and provide unexpected answers. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung Postfach 103 Carl-Bertelsmann-Str. [198][199] The Bertelsmann Stiftung rejected the criticism from ver.di in particular as a "misunderstanding,"[195] saying that both sides were not that far apart in their views on social problems. Reinhard Mohn was a German-born international entrepreneur and philanthropist. [37] The transaction increased the foundation's stake in the company from 21.3% to 68.8%,[10][36] being the largest shareholder. [53] In 2008, Gunter Thielen returned to the Bertelsmann Stiftung as chairman of the executive board. [117] The center was founded by Werner Weidenfeld, who was also a member of the Bertelsmann Stiftung executive board until 2007. Ordenar por Título (Z-A) Ingreso; Título (A-Z) ... Bertelsmann Stiftung. [96][97] Digital learning is also an important issue,[98] as it is seen as a solution to various structural problems in the area of education. [142][143] It is one of the world's most important competitions for up-and-coming opera singers and is known as a "showcase for new talent. [61] The Bertelsmann Stiftung is overseen by the district government of Detmold and engages in tax-privileged activities exclusively and directly in accordance with the relevant tax regulations. [60] It is an unrestricted legal entity, which, internally and externally, must exclusively pursue the mission defined in its bylaws. Mark Wössner was first elected chairman of the executive board, and, a year later, chairman of the advisory board. [164] He criticized the Bertelsmann Stiftung as being "undemocratic" and lacking in transparency. [13] In 1985, a publishing house was founded as part of the foundation in order to handle the growing number of publications. "[60] The Bertelsmann Stiftung is a private operating foundation and does not make grants. [62], The executive board is advised and supervised by the Bertelsmann Stiftung board of trustees. 30 Jahre deutsche Einheit [73] Today, the Fundación Bertelsmann focuses on vocational training and career guidance for young people in Spain. [161] The anthology generated widespread public debate on the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Members of the executive board who are also members of the executive board of Bertelsmann Management SE can only represent the foundation in collaboration with a second board member who does not belong to the executive board of Bertelsmann Management SE, which is the Bertelsmann Group's management unit. In addition, the Bertelsmann Stiftung made grants to affiliated non-profit organizations in the amount of €11.3 million. In the United States, he noted, non-profit foundations are not permitted to hold more than a 20% stake in a company in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest; in addition, they have to provide a public accounting of their expenditures. According to Lieb, private networks and behind-the-scenes advisors are thus turning into actual rulers. JÖRG JÄGER | FOTOGRAFIE. According to Schumann, the "shadow government in Gütersloh" runs on de facto on public money, because Reinhard Mohn saved an over €2 billion in inheritance and gift taxes when he transferred three-quarters of the Bertelsmann Group capital shares to the foundation. Kommunale Seniorenpolitik muss zukünftig als Querschnittsaufgabe verstanden werden: als ganzheitliches Vorgehen, das alle relevanten Akteure einbezieht. Heute aus unserer Studie „KiTa-Qualität aus der Perspektive von Eltern“ - Typus 3 von KiTa-Qualität aus Elternsicht: „KiTa als Ort der Dienstleistung mit primärem Betreuungs- und Erziehungsauftrag sowie der Trennung zwischen familiärer und öffentlicher Sphäre (KiTa).“ [74], Since 2008, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has also been represented in US-capital Washington, D.C, by a second independent foundation, the Bertelsmann Foundation North America, which addresses challenges relating to transatlantic partnerships. Securing the European homeland: The EU, terrorism and homeland security (August 2005) No. Inhalt auswählen. : +49 5241 80 88 280 Fax. [44] As an interim step, at the end of 2000 Reinhard Mohn became chairman of both the executive committee and the board of trustees, until Gunter Thielen succeeded him in both positions in mid-2001. [109] The focus of the foundation's work in the field of democracy, however, is Europe. [171] In 2009, the journalist and author Annette Jensen asserted that the Bertelsmann Stiftung's proposals generate artificial demand, particularly in terms of the purported need to streamline local government, a demand which the foundation then meets, for example through the Bertelsmann subsidiary Arvato.