Naturally, the TUHH Career Center also offers you individual help and guidance. 11.06.: Stimm- und Präsenztraining. Das neue Semesterprogramm für das Sommersemester 2021 ist jetzt buchbar. Just give us a call or send us an email. Verkäufer aus dem Ausland können Ihnen Artikel regulär über einen internationalen Versandservice zuschicken. Description of the company. Career Center; Practical experience; TUHH-PraxisPlus; SoSe 2021 Praktikum endocor; Endocor GmbH & Co. KG. The new semester program for the summer semester 2021 is now available for booking. This internship-accompanying seminar is an exchange opportunity for all TUHH students who are currently doing an advanced internship. Student Counseling Center; Events for Prospective Students; Please note that, in view of the development regarding the Corona virus, it is not yet foreseeable whether the events and participation in events of the Student Counseling Center at TUHH can be realised as scheduled. ArtRoom TUHH. 17 The mixture on the TUHH campus is easy to describe: young, creative, open, international, and multicultural – an ideal atmosphere in which new ideas can develop. So ergeben sich oft sehr gute Chancen, z.B. The staff of the TUHH Career Center helps students and graduates with the transition from university to a career by providing service and consulting offerings and creating communication platforms on which to make contact with companies. As the university’s career centre, we are the interface between the worlds of higher education and work. TUHH - Interkulturelle Hochschul- AG. Alongside workshops and lectures on subjects such as job hunting, application procedures and how to maximise your chances at interview, we also offer direct contact with companies. Please inform yourself about it. 29.05.: Professionelle Rhetorik . These programmes often result in very good opportunities for dissertations, placements and jobs. Als Career Center der TUHH bilden wir die Schnittstelle zwischen Studium und Beruf. Apply at career.service(at) AND for the desired Master's place. 43 Jobs. 05.11.: Praxisbegleitseminar. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience; Fishing for Experience; Archiv Projektaufgaben; Projekt 8 - Vivere; Vivere . As a city with a legacy of trade and commerce, one can not expect local Hamburg politics to flood its universities with funds like this might happen at some of the posh research places elsewhere in Europe. Alongside workshops and lectures on subjects such as job hunting, application procedures and how to maximise your chances at interview, we also offer direct contact with companies. View All num of num Close (Esc) TUHH. Community Organization. Semester program 2021; Career guidance; Developing your profile; Guidance & Coaching; Career entry; Practical experience. This internship programme is an opportunity to hire interns and boost your profile on the TUHH’s campus. We are resolutely committed to conserving resources and preserving the basis of life for future … Thank you very much for your understanding. Here you will find answers to your questions about the basic internship, your choice of specialization, and semesters abroad. Contacts at the TUHH Career Center. TUHH is a small but high-class university with a clear profile in research and with modern, practice-oriented learning methods. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience; Fishing for Experience; Archiv Projektaufgaben; Projekt 3 - Deloitte 2; Deloitte - Development of a decision model between Cloud vs. On-premise Software in consideration of migration-, running costs, security aspects and vendor dependencies etc. The basic internship should be completed before you start your studies. Astrid Bültemeier, Head of the Career Center, interviewed by TU & YOU. Educational Research Center. TUHH-PraxisPlus bietet sowohl Bachelor- als auch Masterstudierenden der TUHH attraktive Praktika inklusive begleitendem Coaching. Career Opportunities ... TUHH is based in the great metropolitan city of Hamburg, definitely one of the most exciting places of Germany. Career Forum This event is an opportunity for one-to-one meetings with students and graduates of the TUHH. College & University. Nonprofit … Back to Service . März 2021: +++ Bewerbung für Fishing for Experience +++ + 20.02.: Job Seeking Skills -Mod 2. verantwortlich: 5. Melden Sie sich gleich an! 21.04.: Professionelles Netzwerken . Personal und Studierende) und Familienbüro, Marketing, Presse- & Öffenlichkeitsarbeit. The Career Forum is a digital job fair where you can make valuable contacts. November. Tutech Innovation GmbH. Sartorius Scholarship. Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Technischen Universität Hamburg Educational Research Center. AStA TUHH. Experience reports on Career Day are available in the Career Center blog (in German only). TUHH students, graduates and alumni can in addition apply for individual interviews. Proximity is an important aspect of our dealings with our students. Bitte kommen Sie nicht ohne Termin in das Career Center. Wir sind täglich für Sie da.Bitte beachten Sie immer die aktuellen Informationen zum COVID-19 und das Rahmen-Hygienekonzept der TUHH! HAMBURG WASSER offers their services from clean water supply to sewage disposal. Falls ein Verkäufer in den USA oder Großbritannien ansässig ist, kann er das eBay-Programm zum weltweiten Versand (GSP) nutzen. ArtRoom TUHH. The next Career Day is scheduled for: Tue 01.12. and Wed 02.12.2020. Eilika Schwenke / Katrin Fimpel Tel. Companies for Career Day . TUHH - Interkulturelle Hochschul- AG. For a successful application, you will need, among other things, your professional aptitude.. CAREER CENTER • TU & YOU ALUMNI AND FOUNDATION • Mai. Register here. Companies. Management Service. They experience it at first hand during project-based learning in small groups and in close contact with our eminent academic staff. Vivere GmbH is one of the fastest growing FMCG startup based out of Hamburg. bonding Hamburg. Criteria for admission are the overall Abitur (German university entrance qualification) grade and math grades for the past four semesters. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience; Furthering practical experience through scholarships; Furthering practical experience through scholarships . Mit unseren BewerbungsChecks, beruflicher Orientierungshilfe bei der Entscheidungsfindung und beim Berufseinstieg sowie Potentialanalysen sind Sie bestens vorbereitet. Wir bieten Ihnen in Kooperation mit Expertinnen und Experten aus dem Team Akademische Berufe der Agentur für Arbeit im TUHH-Career Center eine Beratung zu Ihren aktuellen Bewerbungsunterlagen an. College & University. Semester program 2020/21; Alumni & Career Talk; Career … Nonprofit … Workshop: Basics of Application. Stellenwerk Careers Fair; Career Center Semester Program. If you are accepted for an internship, this applies to you: Further opportunities to gain practical experience, Research Coordination Team and Funding for Research. Unternavigation. The student initiative 'bonding' also runs events. Wir bieten neben vielen Workshops und Vorträgen zu Themen wie Jobsuche, Bewerbungsverfahren und Selbstpräsentation im Bewerbungsprozess auch direkten Kontakt zu Unternehmen. Career Center Universität Hamburg. 11.11.: Karrierewege: TUHH@Unilever. BTU - Career Center, Cottbus, Germany. With application checks, career guidance to support you through decision-making and career entry, and tools to analyse your potential, you will be very well prepared. TUHH; Universität; Service; Career Center. Tutech Innovation GmbH. November 2020. Application checks. And to think globally you need to see the world. TUHH students learn more about how alumni get off to a career start and are given valuable practical hints for their studies and their careers. Community Organization. Fairs such as the TUHH Career Forum and the Stellenwerk Careers Fair provide a platform for making important face-to-face contact with various companies. Jobs; Companies; Salaries; Interviews; Search. FSR ET/IT. TUHH is a small but high-class university with a clear profile in research and with modern, practice-oriented learning methods. Aufgrund der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus sind die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Career Centers vorrangig digital zu erreichen. In Einzelgesprächen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, in ca. AStA TUHH. Career Center TU & You Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Project Graduate Academy Startup Dock. Das Career Center unterstützt die Studierenden der BTU beim erfolgreichen Einstieg in den Beruf. März 2021: +++ Bewerbung für Fishing for Experience +++ Making an impact that matters. February 2021.: Job Seeking Skills -introduction Interview. Due to the coronavirus, the summer semester program 2021 will take place online. auf Abschlussarbeiten, Trainee-Stellen und Jobmöglichkeiten. Hilfe und Tipps für internationale Studierende, Forschungskoordination und Forschungsförderung, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte (Technisches- und Verwaltungspersonal), Gleichstellungsreferat (wiss. TUHH students, graduates and alumni can in addition apply for individual interviews. Description of the company. Career Center. Contact. The kick-off meeting for the winter semester 2020/21 takes place at November 5th 2020. Internships. Natürlich unterstützt Sie das Career Center auch mit individueller Beratung. Career Center; Practical experience; TUHH-PraxisPlus; TUHH-PraxisPlus - Exclusive Internships & Practice Guidance. Airbus uses cookies (including from third parties) to enhance site navigation and offer you useful features by analysing the site usage. Bei eBay finden Sie Artikel aus der ganzen Welt. Visiting address: Career Center, building A, east wing, rooms 1.70 to 1.74 (link) Career Center website (link) Stud.IP group Advanced Internship AIW/ES : 040 - 42878 - 6190 / - 4424 career.service(at) February 2021.: Job Seeking Skills -introduction Interview. FSR ET/IT. 126 Salaries. The TUHH Career Center cooperates with the TUHH Student Counseling Center, which also offers advice to students on life after university. Last but not least, we are of course here to answer your questions! Company Overview Locations FAQ. +++ Here you will find information on events where you can make contact with companies: 2021. For companies: If you wish to offer internships, topics for dissertations or positions for working students, just send a PDF file to career.service(at) Unser Team steht Ihnen mit verschiedensten Angeboten zu Berufsorientierung, Profilbildung sowie Berufseinstieg und natürlich für Ihre Fragen zur Verfügung! Unfortunately, personal meetings cannot take place in the Career Center at the moment. 20. Objective. Sommersemester 2021 . If you need advice, please contact us by e-mail  or telephone. Career Center. Ariane Korn Ralf Jacobsen Tel. Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 Main building (building A) 1st floor, East, room 1.70 - 1.74 21073 Hamburg. Learn about the broad range of career op. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen wir Ihnen bereits während des Studiums Praxiserfahrung zu sammeln. 16 Benefits. The TUHH-PraxisPlus programme offers attractive internships with parallel coaching for Bachelor’s and Master’s students at the TUHH. First-semester students are admitted only in the winter semester. Companies for Career Day . For further information, please refer to our cookies policy. 10.06.: Stimm- und Präsenztrainig. 9 Inter­views. Additional events. Contact at the TUHH Career Center. 11.11.: Infoveranstaltung Fishing for Experience. Eilika Schwenke will answer your questions about the advanced internship at fachpraktikum-ges(at) or 040-42878-6190. At Vivere, products are developed by bridging data and technology, thereby fulfilling the demands and expectations of the modern consumer. Commercial Aircraft Helicopters Defence Space Innovation Company Media Back. The Career Forum is a digital job fair where you can make valuable contacts. TUHH Career Center. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Business networking events; Other networking events; Further career events +++ Due to the dynamic spread of the coronavirus, we cannot make any statement as to whether the events linked here will take place as planned. Please do not come to the Career Center without an appointment. Please inform yourself about it. Overview Overview. Community Organization. 1 talking about this. The Fishing for Experience programme, for example, involves tackling real entrepreneurial and managerial issues in interdisciplinary project teams. Als Career Center der TUHH bilden wir die Schnittstelle zwischen Studium und Beruf. 05.02. TUHH; Universität; Service; Career Center. … Module 2: The Online Job Interview. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Business networking events ; Career Forum; Career Forum - job fair and exclusive one-on-one interviews. Semester program 2021; Career guidance; Developing your profile; Guidance & Coaching; Career … Das Career Center unterstützt die Studierenden der BTU beim erfolgreichen Einstieg in den Beruf. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience; Fishing for Experience; HAMBURG WASSER – HPA Hamburg Port Authority Bio-economy-strategy for the Port of Hamburg. Since 2015 the Career Center has been located in the main building, Hauptgebäude A, right next to the learning rooms for students on the second floor. The Career Center strengthens the competence of TU students and graduates to shape their professional biographies. Im Programm Fishing for Experience werden beispielsweise reale, unternehmerische Fragestellungen in interdisziplinären Projektgruppen bearbeitet. 04.11.: Applying in Germany (English) 10.11.: Virtuelle Bewerbungsgespräche mit EFS. "The Career Forum offers students and alumni the opportunity to get to know companies in private one-on-one meetings and thus make impressions that last," explains Michaela Hoppe from the TUHH Career Center. Our team offers you help with your career, with developing your profile, and with taking your first steps in the job market. Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship) This scholarship has been awarded at the TUHH for the past few semesters. Take a look here. TUHH Reviews . With various innovative offers, it contributes significantly to the theory-practice transfer and to the interdisciplinary qualification. We always display information about the latest internships, topics for dissertations and positions for working students on the Career Center noticeboards in the east wing of the main building (A) on the first floor (close to the student classrooms). College & University . "The Career Forum offers students and alumni the opportunity to get to know companies in private one-on-one meetings and thus make impressions that last," explains Michaela Hoppe from the TUHH Career Center. By clicking “accept”, you agree to the use of cookies. Career Center Workshops As part of the Karrierewege (Career Paths) format, TUHH alumni provide motivating insights into their day-to-day corporate work. Application checks. College & University. Sign up > Honeywell is an equal opportunity employer. and by offering one-on-one advice. Proximity is an important aspect of our dealings with our students. Join our Honeywell Talent Community Tell us about yourself to be informed of open roles that might be right for you. They experience it at first hand during project-based learning in small groups and in close contact with our eminent academic staff. Unternavigation. 648 likes. 25.11.: Praktikum im Ausland 648 likes. The student initiative 'bonding' also runs events. Deloitte has more than 289,000 professionals at … Unternavigation. The next Career Day is scheduled for: Tue 01.12. and Wed 02.12.2020. Internationality. TUHH students, graduates and alumni can in addition apply for individual interviews. Search Jobs. November. Optimization of logistic processes in chemical weighing department with driverless transport systems. The Career Forum is a digital job fair where you can make valuable contacts. Two internships are part of the bachelor's program ES. Description of the company. Community Organization. 05.02. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Contact; Operation during the corona pandemic. We also provide opportunities to gain practical industry experience during your degree course. 04.11.: Applying in Germany (English) 10.11.: Virtuelle Bewerbungsgespräche mit EFS. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Developing your profile; Developing your profile - events. Career Forum - job fair and exclusive one-on-one interviews. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience; Fishing for Experience; Fishing for Experience. Sign In to Employer Center; Post a Job; Employer Branding; Glassdoor for Employers Blog; Talk to Sales; Post Jobs; Write Review; Sign In. As a part of your studies at the TUHH you have access to 143 student exchange schemes in 48 countries. College & University . Take a look here. Sommersemester 2021 (11.03.2021-30.09.2021) Kursangebot. All relevant information about it can be accessed here. +++ Here you will find information on events where you can make contact with companies: 2021. Unser Team steht Ihnen mit verschiedensten Angeboten zu Berufsorientierung, Profilbildung sowie Berufseinstieg und natürlich für Ihre Fragen zur Verfügung! Due to the spread of the coronavirus, the Career Center employees can be reached primarily digitally. The application deadline is 05.03.2021. Das Career Center unterstützt die Studierenden der BTU beim erfolgreichen Einstieg in den Beruf. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience; Fishing for Experience; Archiv Projektaufgaben; Project 2 Continental Phoenix; Continental Compounding Technology GmbH, Hamburg . Please contact us at the Career Center as soon as possible to let us know that you're interested in the preparatory semester PraxisPlus. 5,097 were here. The application period is from May to July 15. May, 19th 2021. Startup Engineers - TUHH Institute of Entrepreneurship. bonding Hamburg. You are here:TUHH-PraxisPlus. If you would, then Fishing for Experience has plenty to offer. Bengaluru | Full Time Apply Now Verloop is looking for an enthusiastic and self-driven individual who is passionate to work at a fast-growing start-up and can handle chaotic situations at times. We are in the business of selling core-tech machine learning products to non-tech users. Regional job offers . The TUHH only admits in a winter semester. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience; Fishing for Experience; Archiv Projektaufgaben; Project 4 - Deloitte; Deloitte Design/concept of a secure Smart Factory. Bleiben Sie gesund! Startup Engineers - TUHH Institute of Entrepreneurship. Verloop Career Center. 20. At the Career Service Infopool in the Infothek you can find out for yourself about various aspects of the transition from university to a career. Melden Sie sich gleich an! Experience reports on Career Day are available in the Career Center blog (in German only). February 2021.: Job Seeking Skills - Coaching sessions Interview . Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, auf digitalem Weg zu uns ins Career Center zu kommen! Career Center; Practical experience; TUHH-PraxisPlus; Internship-Accompanying Seminar; Internship-Accompanying Seminar. Due to the coronavirus, the summer semester program 2021 will take place online. Back to Service. : 040 - 42878 - 3464 fishing(at) fishing(at) 45 Minuten Ihre Unterlagen überprüfen zu lassen. Register now! Infopool. Career Center. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Practical experience ; Practical experience. 1 talking about this. Objective. Ariane Korn Ralf Jacobsen Tel. Is this your company? Sales Inside Sales Manager. Accept. Unser Anspruch ist, jeden Tag das zu tun, was wirklich zählt – für Kunden, unsere Mitarbeiter und die Gesellschaft. College & University. For Bachelor’s study programs the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) has an online application procedure. Would you like to gain useful experience in preparation for your career by means of a bona fide business project alongside your studies? The TUHH Career Center will help you to find an internship position. With TUHH-PraxisPlus, students at the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) have been given the opportunity of exclusive internships since 2010. February 2021.: Job Seeking Skills - Coaching sessions Interview . Das neue Semesterprogramm für das Sommersemester 2021 ist jetzt buchbar. It is also a chance to represent your company at a careers fair. Juni. Das Career Center unterstützt die Studierenden der BTU beim erfolgreichen Einstieg in den Beruf. We are of course now available for you - also in the home office. : 040 - 42878 - 3651 Tel. Sommersemester 2021 (11.03.2021-30.09.2021) Kursangebot. Verloop Career Center. May, 19th 2021. We are there for you every day.Please always pay attention to the current information on COVID-19 and the frame hygiene concept of the TUHH! Our career opportunities span the globe. Career Center; Practical experience; TUHH-PraxisPlus; Application Procedure; Application procedure . This workshop is intended for students who would like to get to know the basics of application in Germany. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Business networking events; Other networking events; Further career events +++ Due to the dynamic spread of the coronavirus, we cannot make any statement as to whether the events linked here will take place as planned. 65 Reviews. Contacts at the TUHH Career Center. Mit Messen wie dem TUHH-Career Forum und der Stellenwerk Jobmesse schaffen wir Kommunikationsplattformen, durch die wichtiger persönlicher Kontakt zu diversen Firmen hergestellt wird. We seek to keep you updated on this issue through our webpage. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Information about careers; Career entry; Career entry . Stay healthy! The TUHH Career Center provides assistance at, for instance, the cross-university event Studying in Hamburg and What Next? April. TUHH; University; Service; Career Center; Business networking events ; Career Forum; Career Forum - job fair and exclusive one-on-one interviews. : 040 - 42878 - 3651 Tel. We are in the business of selling core-tech machine learning products to non-tech users. + 20.02.: Job Seeking Skills -Mod 2. verantwortlich: 5. BTU - Career Center, Cottbus, Germany. Management Service. Career Center Universität Hamburg. Back to Service . Due to the coronavirus, the winter semester program 2020/21 will take place online.