Add coupon to show or hide or leave this field blank to show or hide all coupons or selected. Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php file or via a plugin that allows custom functions to be added, such as the Code snippets plugin. It is, after all, a button, so you can hide it via CSS, JS or PHP. This code completely disables the coupon code field in the checkout page using the function disable_coupon_field_on_checkout( $enabled ) function. Retainful - Abandoned Cart Recovery Recover abandoned carts in WooCommerce and drive repeat purchases with next purchase coupons; Optinly - Goal Based Popups Drive 10x conversions, grow your email list, conduct surveys & do more with this go-to popup builder. Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > General > Enable coupons; Tick the checkbox to Enable the use of coupon codes. This URL is added to any coupon in your WooCommerce store. Disabling the coupon field from the cart and checkout page on WooCommerce. Not being able to offer coupons can often lead to your business missing out on vital sales and revenues. This function checks whether there is a coupon field on this page. We shall take a look at three different ways to hide the coupon code which are as follows: 1) Disable coupon code completely on your WooCommerce store. In the post How to Hide the WooCommerce Coupon code field, we explained how we can hide the coupon code field from the WooCommerce cart & checkout page. If it is there, the code disables the coupon code field with the aid of this filter add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupons_enabled', 'disable_coupon_field_on_checkout' ); As a WooCommerce store owner, you need to make decisions that will increase sales. More info at: Configuring WooCommerce – General options. Scroll down and find Enable coupons Uncheck the checkbox nearby Enable the use of coupon codes. If you want more details on how to create and set up coupons in WooCommerce, you can check out this step-by-step guide. Read more…, How to Redirect to Cart after Login in WooCommerce, How to Hide Cart Subtotal In WooCommerce or Remove Subtotal Row, How to Skip Cart and Redirect to Checkout Page WooCommerce, Change Proceed To Checkout Text In WooCommerce, How to Change PayPal Icon On WooCommerce Checkout Page, How to Set Featured Products In WooCommerce, How to Add Custom WooCommerce Payment Icons Checkout Page, How to Sell Digital Products With WooCommerce, How to Sort WooCommerce Categories for Better User Experience, Hide or Remove the Quantity Field from WooCommerce Product Page, Log into your WordPress site and access the. Go to WooCommerce > System Status > Tools > WooCommerce Transients > Clear transients. Hide coupon code field on the WooCommerce Checkout page. If you are still unable to remove the cart icon from WooCommerce by yourself, then get it fixed for as low as $10. This function checks whether there is a coupon field on this page. earns commission from hosting and other web hosting companies listed on this site. Select or unselect the coupon list to show on cart page. This code completely disables the coupon code field in the cart page of product ID 133 using thefunction ts_hide_coupon_field_on_cart( $enabled ) function. 3) Hide on the checkout page and display on the cart page. This technique will help you to hide/remove other elements from your website as well. Other CMS systems are in the pipeline, WooCommerce Tips and Tricks | Latest WooCommerce News, Disabling the coupon field from the cart and checkout page on WooCommerce, Disable coupon code field only on the WooCommerce checkout page or cart page, Smart techniques to prevent coupon hunting, How to Hide Coupon Code Field on the WooCommerce Checkout Page. So, you can choose to display the coupon code field only when customers reach your online store via the links in promo emails, social media promo posts, or affiliate links by looking at the URL parameters. Use the Coupon amount field to set the amount of the discount, the Discount type field to set the type, and the Coupon expiry date to set an expiration date. This is simply because you want to avoid that certain customers will know the coupon code and try … 2.1) Apply coupon to any product. You can use PHP, JS or CSS. To do this, simply follow these simple steps: We hope that you can now hide or remove the coupon field from your WooCommerce site! With WooCommerce Bulk Coupons Editing Column manager, you can choose to show/ hide columns, set their labels, colors and change their position. At the bottom right corner, you can see a field to enter the coupon code. Instead of showing the input field to enter the coupon code and button directly in front of the customer, hide the button and input field inside an accordion or an expandable element, and place it at the bottom so that customers won’t notice it. there is no PHP function that can be “unhooked” via “remove_action”. Copy the file plugins\woocommerce\templates\cart\cart.php into your-theme\woocommerce\cart\cart.php. Currently, WooCommerce Support is our main focus. Store Pro is a global e-Commerce technical support company. Now, all the coupon code fields will be removed from your WooCommerce store. By default, the WooCommerce Checkout page redirects you back to the (empty) Cart page in case there are no products in the Cart. Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce (Premium Version) is the add-on for the free plugin and immediately it opens up a lot of extra features that will give you maximum flexibility. WooCommerce URL Coupons allows you to add a individual URL to a coupon code that automatically applies a discount or optionally adds products to the customer’s shopping cart.. By changing these options, you can create as many column profiles as you like and save them under your preferred name for later use. We will also share a few proven strategies to prevent cart or checkout abandonment due to coupon hunting. That is why it’s always important to install one of the WooCommerce Coupon Code plugins available. Let’s have a look at how to apply them. In this post, I will illustrate how to disable or hide the coupon field in various pages on your WooCommerce store. From the search suggestions provided by Google when I just typed wolf and badger in the search input field, you can see that there are two suggestions related to the coupon or promo code. But sometimes you may want to disable the coupon code field only on either the checkout page or the cart page while displaying the coupon code on the other page. When they appear in the cart then the coupon code field is hidden. We specialize in helping individuals and businesses run successful, engaging websites. Through these coupons, they can offer rewards or discounts as a purchase incentive. First, let’s see how to apply a coupon to any WooCommerce product. All other customers do not see the coupon code field. This can be done by following these simple steps: The WooCommerce store owner may want to hide the coupon code field only on the cart page and display it on the checkout page. Join 14,000+ WooCommerce Weekly subscribers When you apply a coupon code programmatically, or when you really need it anyway, you may want to hide the coupon code on the cart page. However, if you disable the coupon code from the WooCommerce settings as shown in the first method, the automatic coupon code will not work because the coupon code feature is disabled in WooCommerce. PHP code to disable coupon code field in the cart page, PHP code to disable coupon code field in the checkout page. This is just a way for WooCommerce store owners to say thank you for purchasing their products. 2) Hide on the cart page and display on the checkout page. If it is there, the code disables the coupon code field with the aid of this filter add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupons_enabled', 'disable_coupon_field_on_cart' );. Whether users enter the coupon code or not, the coupon code will be applied to the cart automatically. CODES (2 days ago) WooCommerce coupon codes are great to convert more sales – but sometimes they get users to pause / stop placing the order until they find a coupon code online (you did it too, I know). If it is there, the code disables the coupon code field with the aid of this filter add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupons_enabled','ts_hide_coupon_field_on_cart' ); In the example above, we only removed the coupon code field for one product. Some of these people who go after coupons may decide to postpone their purchase until they get a coupon code. It’s also a good idea to give a link to a coupon page where customers can see all the available coupons or a link to open up a popup window with coupon codes. Hide coupon code field on the WooCommerce cart page. This arises when you do not want people to apply a coupon if they are buying this product. Side Cart Woocommerce Plugin Features. Set the coupon list view like on slide from right, slide from left & pop up. Now, there are times when you still need users to see the Checkout page and avoid this redirect. Go to WooCommerce > Settings. Showing the list of available coupon codes on the cart page helps you to prevent the users from leaving the checkout process for searching coupons. Additionally, are you may want to disable the coupon code completely on your WooCommerce store. YES, $10. Place pop up header text or background color. You can use the category name that you want to hide the coupon field in the cart and checkout. After adding the code, don’t forget to click on the Publish button at the top to save the changes. Free shipping also reduces cart abandonment. In the WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance > Theme Editor to open the WordPress Theme Editor screen. You may ask yourself ‘How can I hide the coupon field for multiple product IDs in the cart page?’ We have a solution for this problem as well. WooCommerce does not have built-in functionality to do this but worry less as we have a solution for this problem. Use the Coupon … To do this, it will only take you a few minutes and you simply need to follow these simple steps: This code completely disables the coupon code field in the cart page using the function disable_coupon_field_on_cart( $enabled ) function. This practice is known as coupon hunting and it’s very common. To add a coupon: Go to: Marketing > Coupons. Check the radio buttons for showing or hiding coupon on the pages. If you have automatic coupons, smart coupons, or URL coupons, you may just want to hide the coupon code fields from users while keeping the coupon feature enabled in WooCommerce. If you don’t allow coupons, your customers might think they are not getting the … Now you can see a small text editor window on the left side where you can add additional CSS to your theme. If you do not have any active coupon or promo codes, you can remove the coupon field from the checkout page very easily. You will need to override WooCommerce’s cart template to remove the coupon functionality. You might have many coupon fields and you may want to restrict this feature on certain products to avoid cart abandonment when customers want to search for other products. A customer typically gets coupon codes from promotional emails, social media promo posts, and affiliate marketers. With careful planning, offering free shipping in WooCommerce can provide your store with several benefits like customer loyalty, a boost in sales, and higher conversion rates. There is more than ONE way to hide/remove the 'Add to Cart' button in WooCommerce. Easy Setup; View Cart, Checkout, Continue Shopping Button need to be customize; Remove Product From Cart Option; Header Cart, Header Close icon Customize with Color and Hide/show; Delete Icon Customize with Color; Free Shipping Notification Customize with Color and Hide/show; Apply Coupon … So, there is no need to show the coupon code field again because that will confuse the customers. You can also offer free shipping to customers using the coupon. It can be achieved by adding a few lines of PHP code to the functions.php file in your theme. ; Advanced BOGO Deals, run advanced BOGO deals with multiple products or across product categories. In the WordPress Theme Editor screen, scroll down to the bottom of functions.php file and paste the code at the end. If customers in your WooCommerce store do this, they may search for the competitor’s plugin or find any coupon code offered by the affiliates, which would affect the sales of your store. = 1.3.1 = Security improvements [Bug Fix] Missing coupon fields while importing the coupons = 1.3.0 = Security fix [Bug fix] Giveaway product is not added if subscription product is in the cart = 1.2.10 = Banner action options: Redirect to specified URL/Apply coupon Side Cart For Woocommerce Allow checkout , ajax on add to cart come up Popup of Woocommerce Cart. However, the coupon code field will be hidden all the time using that method. If a customer reaches your online store via a link in promo email, social media promotional post, or an affiliate link, you can find it out by checking the URL parameters and choose to apply the coupon code automatically. This requirement can be achieved by hiding the coupon code fields using CSS code. for discounts or coupons, as they might abandon your cart to hunt for coupons that are available in your store. Additionally, this may result in a risk of purchasing elsewhere or abandoning your store entirely, when they find a cheaper option. There are several ways to hide the Add to Cart button in WooCommerce. If you want to try it out for yourself, install and activate the plugin. Before adding snippets, clear your WooCommerce cache. Now you know how to create coupons in WooCommerce. When customers see the coupon box where they can enter a coupon code, they may start looking for coupon codes. You can also reduce the font size of the accordion or expandable element so customers would miss it as it is not prominent. In that case, customers don’t need to enter the coupon code manually or you don’t need to display the coupon code field. After copying a CSS code snippet from above, paste it into the small text editor window on the left side of the WordPress Customizer screen. So, customers can’t see the coupon code field in both the checkout page and the cart page. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings. Adding a coupon ↑ Back to top Add coupon code and description ↑ Back to top. First, in your WordPress dashboard, go to the WooCommerce > Settings > General. However, this is not the customer experience that you may want for your WooCommerce store. The coupon code box in the cart page and checkout page often drives the customers away from the checkout process at critical moments. It means there are lots of people searching for coupon codes for Wolf & Badger online store, probably after seeing the input field to enter coupon code on the checkout page. Alternatively, you can use the ELEX Hide WooCommerce Shipping Methods plugin to hide the other shipping methods. For this example, we are going to hide the products in the ‘Njengah Tech’ category. It can be used for any product that is in the array. So, the easiest way to remove the coupon form from your checkout page is to use the WordPress admin dashboard. Using coupon has it benefits. A filter is a hook that allows a plugin (in this case WooCommerce) to modify data at runtime (as the site is being loaded, in other words—real time). Because it can distract the customers from proceeding to complete the checkout process. When the user clicks on the URL, it automatically applies the discount, making the print advertising actionable. Yes. So, users will not see the coupon code fields but the coupon will be automatically applied to their cart. For example, you may want to hide the code field if a product called ‘Tshirt’ with a product ID of 133 is present in the cart. All of that and it’s also fully compatible with Advanced Coupons. Let’s get started! Unfortunately, unlike the rest of WooCommerce default elements, the coupon form is hardcoded into the Cart table i.e. The default checkout page with the checkout field looks like this: To do this, it will only take you a few minutes and you simply need to follow these simple steps: Steps to hide the coupon code field on the WooCommerce Cart page. When the Theme Editor page is opened, look for the theme functions file where we will add the function that will hide the add to cart button in WooCommerce for a particular product. Click on the Save changes button when you are finished. To do this use these simple steps and you will be able to hide the coupon field in multiple products on the cart page: This code works like the one on the example (d) but we have defined an array of product IDs where we have looped through the cart items and check if the ID of the item is present in our array. Moreover, when users go for coupon hunting, they may not complete a purchase because they may not be satisfied since they feel like they missed out on a discount. Choose General. This function checks whether there is a coupon field on this page. Removing the coupon code functionality in cart is unfortunately not as easy as this is hardcoded in a template. If you do not have any active coupon or promo codes, you can remove the coupon field from the checkout page very easily. Depending on which pages you want to hide the CSS code, copy any of the three following CSS code snippets, CSS code to hide coupon code fields both in the cart page and checkout page, CSS code to hide coupon code field in the cart page, CSS code to hide coupon code field in the checkout page. The outcome on the cart page is shown below: Disable coupon code completely on your WooCommerce store. If you have a coupon that gets automatically applied to the cart, showing the field to enter coupon code in the cart page or checkout page is redundant. The You can completely disable the discount coupon code field on the cart and the checkout page in your WooCommerce store. To use coupons with WooCommerce. The WooCommerce URL Coupons extension helps you create unique URLs that automatically apply a discount and products to the customer’s shopping cart. Then go to WooCommerce > Settings > Wholesale Prices. Save Changes. add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupons_enabled', 'hide_coupon_field_specific_category', 20, 1 ); That’s a simple filter for WooCommerce. In this blog, we will show you how to disable the coupon code feature in WooCommerce and how to hide the coupon field on the cart or checkout page. The discount code should be automatically applied if the customer reached your online store through a promotional link. The “Apply coupon” is less a button and more of a text link, making it the least important action of the bunch. Looking for a way to hide the WooCommerce Coupon code field, especially in the cart and checkout pages? WooCommerce: Move / Remove Coupon Form @ Cart & Checkout. If you have this checkbox unchecked, coupon code fields will be removed from all places on your WooCommerce store. Depending on which page you want to disable the coupon code field, you can copy either of the two PHP code snippets given below. Moreover, the free plugin also enables you to hide prices and remove the Add to Cart button in WooCommerce for non-logged in users. However, always displaying a coupon box on the cart page or checkout page may not be such a great idea! Go to WooCommerce > Settings to open the WooCommerce settings page and choose General from the list horizontal tab groups. Conclusion. Then, you need to click on the checkbox to disable the coupon field completely on the cart or checkout. You can change where the customer is redirected after visiting the unique URL, and your URL coupons will still obey all coupon … However, if the customer has a promo code, they would actively look for where they can enter their coupon code and they will find it without much effort. But even with PHP the right way is not as obvious as it seems. In this video, I have shown you how you can remove or hide that cart icon from your WooCommerce / WordPress site easily. Features of WooCommerce URL Coupons. Scroll down through the list and click on the Theme Functions (functions.php) file to open it in the text editor screen. Customers expect to have coupons applied to their shopping, whether it’s for free delivery, a specific price reduction, or a percentage off their cart. From the Dashboard menu, click on Appearance Menu > Theme Editor Menu. However, you do not need to show or train your customers on how to look. In some cases, other customers may wait to purchase something, until a coupon is available. Uncheck ‘Enable Coupon Use’ and click on the ‘Save Changes’ button. From the list of menus in the left sidebar, choose Additional CSS. Premium Cart Conditions, advanced cart conditions to let you control exactly when coupons should be allowed to apply. Remember to add the correct product ID based on the products that you have in your WooCommerce store. If you only want to hide the coupon field on the cart, then you’ll just use the first part of the of the snippet related to the cart. Apart from disabling the coupon code feature completely or hiding the coupon code field using CSS, there are also many other tried and tested strategies that you can also try to reduce cart abandonment rate on your online store. It can even encourage customers to increase … To do that, first, go to the WooCommerce>>Settings page, and then click on the ‘Checkout’ tab. With all that said, let us go through some of the steps that you need to undertake to disable or hide coupons from different parts of your WooCommerce store to maximize your conversions and to generally make all your customers happy. But I don’t recommend this approach. Click the Save Changes button. Once you make the changes, don’t forget to click the Save changes button. Scroll down a bit to the Enable coupons section and uncheck the checkbox nearby Enable the use coupon codes. In the example above, we’ve created a coupon that gives a 50% discount to the entire cart and that expires on October 31, 2018. As a WooCommerce store owner, you might want to hide the coupon code field if a product of a certain category is present in the cart. You can try different strategies we discussed above and check if any of them helps you to reduce the cart or checkout abandonment rate on your online store. Offering coupon codes is a great strategy to increase sales. You can use the category name that you want to hide the coupon field in the cart and checkout. They may leave the checkout page searching for the discount coupons on the rest of your website, your social media accounts, or on Google. For example, let’s take a look at the cart page of Wolf & Badger’s online store. They may also think that they can use a coupon code again and may start coupon hunting. Hide in checkout page: Removes the coupon code entry field from the checkout page. Facing Problem? When this URL is clicked, it automatically applies the coupon discount to the customer’s shopping cart. In your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Customize to open WordPress Customizer. This is the default location of the coupon field in the cart page: This is the default location of the coupon field in the checkout page: Offering coupons to loyal customers is a great way that WooCommerce store owners give back to the community. You can see the Hide coupon code field option in the general tab as shown in the image below: Hide coupon code field consists of two options: Hide in cart page: Removes the coupon code entry field from the cart page. For this example, we are going to hide the products in the ‘ Njengah Tech ’ category. Having said that, I only recommend services (or products) that I found great for my website visitors and personally use them in my business. As a WooCommerce store owner, you might want to hide the coupon code field if a product of a certain category is present in the cart. In the Theme Editor screen, you can see the list of files in your active theme’s folder. Hide coupon code field based on product categories. So, it’s a good idea to hide the coupon code field from the checkout page when you don’t have any active coupons to prevent customers from leaving the checkout process for coupon hunting. Removing the Coupon Field If you are really fed up with the coupon, you can easily remove the coupon field completely. Scroll down to the General options section and uncheck the “Enable the use of coupon codes” option under Enable Coupons. In plain English, there is no other way (as of now) to remove that coupon code via PHP, so we must use some annoying CSS. In that case, you may want to hide the coupon code field from the cart page and checkout page. Go to WooCommerce > Settings to open the WooCommerce settings page and choose General from the list horizontal tab groups. WooCommerce doesn’t provide an option to Disable the WooCommerce Cart Icon from the header or navigation. Placing the coupon code section in a way that subtly hides it from the customers is another technique to prevent coupon hunting. In this article, we will discover a very quick and easy workaround by adding a few lines of custom CSS. Disabling coupon code from the WooCommerce will remove the coupon code field from the WooCommerce store completely. FYI, you don’t really need to know how to code to do this. And thankfully, WooCommerce provides us with two filters that we can use to … The store owner might opt to hide the coupon code field only on the checkout page and display it on the cart page. Improvement: The auto coupon is not removed if the payment method has changed. To avert this, you can automatically apply coupons for customers for a particular product, or just hide coupons from the shop pages completely. Log into your WordPress site and access the Dashboard as the admin user.