Using the voluntary facial action technique, in which the participants react with instruction induced smiles and frowns when exposed to positive and negative emotional pictures and then rate the pleasantness of these stimuli, four questions were addressed in the present study. Facial-Feedback-Hypothese wichtig in Arbeitszusammenhängen. You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "Facial_feedback_hypothesis" ; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 透過臉部回饋假說(Facial feedback hypothesis)一些实验支持了这一理论,例如人为操纵受试者的表情,讓受试者咬住一枝筆還是用嘴唇來保持筆不跌下來。前者會感受更愉快,因為咬住筆逼使人們一個「笑」的樣子。相反,後者有被要求合上口而呈現相對的感情 This review evaluates four facial feedback hypotheses, each proposing a certain relation between the face and emotions. The facial feedback hypothesis (skeletal muscle feedback from facial expressions plays a causal role in regulating emotional experience and behavior) is an important part of several contemporary theories of emotion. 表情フィードバック仮説(ひょうじょうフィードバックかせつ、英語: Facial feedback hypothesis )とは、「表情がフィードバックされて、その表情の感情を引き起こす」という仮説。 フェイシャルフィードバック仮説、顔面フィードバック仮説 と呼ぶこともある。 Die Facial-Feedback-Hypothese wurde seit den neunziger Jahren weiter ausgebaut, schließlich ließ sich zeigen, dass nicht nur die Mimik, sondern auch die Körperhaltung einen Einfluss darauf haben, wie wir uns fühlen und welches Selbstbild wir von uns haben: . In the simplest terms, the facial feedback hypothesis maintains that expressive behavior can activate or regulate emotions.10, 21 As Izard notes, the seeds of this idea are lost in time, with examples occurring in ancient writings, including the Iliad. The facial feedback hypothesis states that facial actions modulate subjective experiences of emotion. It addresses criticisms of the data, considers implications for emotional and social processes, and advises directions for future research. Facial Feedback Hypotheses 123 mation used in making self-attributions of emotions (Laird, 1974), but facial effects on emotion are not fundamental to it. Cookie-policy; To contact us: mail to Research investigating the facial feedback hypothesis has found that suppressing facial expressions of emotion may decrease how intensely those emotions are experienced (Davis, Senghas, & Ochsner, 2009). Ross Buck came up with the facial feedback hypothesis, "that skeletal muscle feedback from facial expressions plays a causal role in regulating emotional experience and behaviour". The facial feedback hypothesis. A different application of the facial feedback hypothesis was presented in 2018 in a study that focused on how emotional experiences can be modulated by facial feedback modulating emotional experience.