Coordination between various levels would need to be ensured. The European climate pact, launched by the European commission last December and part of the European Green Deal, is an initiative inviting people, communities and organisations, all over Europe, to participate in climate action and to make a greener Europe possible. Introducing the first #EUClimatePact Ambassadors; A discussion on upcoming Climate Pact pledges; Participation of Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the European Green Deal, and a possibility to ask him … Özlem ÇAVUŞOĞLU Avukat Sisli. Özlem ÇAVUŞOĞLU. It invites regions, local communities, industry, schools and civil society to share … The event will feature an introduction to the first EU Climate Pact Ambassadors, a discussion on upcoming Climate Pact pledges and talks by special guests about the actions we can all take to combat climate change. As an EU Climate Pact Ambassador, SAFE will bring together civil society, relevant stakeholders, and EU policy-makers to share good practices, inspire and support climate actions, and raise public awareness on climate issues in relations with food. Deborah Scaggion. The European Climate Pact provides a space for people across all walks of life to connect and collectively develop and implement climate solutions, big and small. The Pact is an open, inclusive and evolving initiative for climate action. Climate change effects are being felt at a local, national, and global scale. The European Climate Pact that was launched in December 2020 provides an opportunity for institutions to work closely together for an enabling framework for civil society and citizens’ involvement, building on and going beyond the existing consultation processes. The pact aims to promote the connection between digital and green transition, through an online platform and dialogue among … The Ambassadors’ role is to inform, inspire and support climate action in their communities and networks. The European Climate Pact invites everyone to take action to fight climate change and work together for a climate-friendly society. Here the role of Climate Pact Ambassadors come in. Climate Pact Ambassador of the European Union Berlin Metropolitan Area. Vienna. European Climate Pact Ambassadors inform, inspire and support climate action in their communities and networks. They are coming from different backgrounds, from leaders of European-wide networks, members of grassroots organisations and non-profit organisations, to local governments, think thanks and academia. The European Climate Pact invites everyone to take action to fight climate change and work together for a climate-friendly society. Commissione europea – … Inputs … In the feedback, many of the coalition’s 43 European member regions expressed interest in taking part in the future activities of the Pact, such as awareness raising and sharing their … In the European Green Deal, the Commission presented a strategy aiming at transforming the EU into a resource-efficient and sustainable society by 2050.One of the main initiatives of the Deal is the Farm to Fork strategy which will also support enforcement of rules on misleading information.. Introducing the first #EUClimatePact Ambassadors A discussion about upcoming Climate Pact pledges With the participation of Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President of the European Commission, responsible for the European Green Deal, and a possibility to ask him questions via! Its aim was to gather input from a broad … Both were proposed for the role by the IOC. The event underlined the need for young individuals to be involved in holistic action to combat climate change and ensure a just and successful transition to a green energy … Talieh Wögerbauer. Andreas Bangemann Editor - Host - Storyteller Cologne Bonn Region. As an individual, one can become a volunteering ECP Ambassador and contribute to the ECP by informing, inspiring and supporting climate action in their communities and networks. The programme will consist of: Climate talks by special guests focusing on concrete climate actions in our everyday life; Introducing the first #EUClimatePact Ambassadors; A discussion on upcoming Climate Pact pledges As part of its efforts to involve the Olympic Movement in the European Climate Pact, the IOC submitted a position paper to the European Commission outlining the readiness of the sports community to help address climate change. They have suggested that the Pact builds on these existing pledges and develops a community of ambassadors who champion change by boosting climate policy coherence, coordination and cooperation. Public consultation of the European Climate Pact. The European Commission has approved NEMO as a climate pact ambassador for culture. Already now, anyone can apply to become a volunteer Climate Pact Ambassador as an individual, and organisations can suggest a representative who would become an Ambassador on their behalf. The current Commission’s ambitions well reflect the rising consumers demand for more sustainable food … Together with other organisations and individuals NEMO will bring the European Climate Pact to life. Ms. Floriana Cimmarusti representing SAFE - Safe Food Advocacy Europe is honoured to be chosen to be an European Climate Pact Ambassador. The Climate Pact Ambassadors are a group of 181 people who have been selected to promote the pact and climate protection in general. The European Climate Pact plays a pivotal role in the full implementation of the European Green Deal. The first 180 Ambassadors have already started to act as bridges between the EU-level action and … Andreas Bangemann. The Climate Pact will focus on spreading awareness and supporting action, in order to connect and collectively develop and implement climate solutions, big and small. Becoming a Climate Ambassador will give you the opportunity and platform to do something really positive within your community. 16 December 2020 Katarina Luhr, Deputy Mayor of Stockholm and Eurocities’ representative in the Covenant of Mayors Board, and Rafal Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw and Eurocities Board member, have been appointed as ‘Ambassadors’ of the European Climate Pact. About the European Climate Pact and the Youth Climate Action Empowerment IAAI GloCha ECP satellite event: ... Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Ambassador for ACE for the UNFCCC – Presentation of the Action for Climate Empowerment innovation project ACEAT. … The paper has been endorsed by … A Public Consultation, assessing the willingness of residents, organisations and institutions to become "climate ambassadors" of this pact. becoming an European Climate Pact Ambassador, getting in touch with national, regional or local governments to encourage climate-friendly strategies, promoting their climate initiatives through the Pact, persuading their employer/organisation to commit to a climate pledge, committing to an individual climate pledge. Come #Ambassador Chiara, assieme a ICN, porta avanti con passione e tenacia iniziative e progetti di educazione, informazione e advocacy sul tema dei cambiamenti climatici. Official Channel EuCliPa-Italy (European Climate Pact Italy), the italian community of Climate Pact Ambassadors. Marine Cornelis December 16, 2020. As the EESC called for in its recent opinions, the Climate Pact should support existing … The European Climate Pact, officially launched on Wednesday, will offer ways for people and organisations to learn about climate change, … According to the Commission, the Climate Pact is part of the European Green Deal and is intended to offer a space for everyone to share information and ideas, develop and implement climate … The Climate Pact was launched in an online event on 16 December 2020. … Specific ambassadors for youth, local communities, cities and regions should also be appointed. The New Consumer Agenda focuses on: ♻️ The Green Transition The Digital Transformation ⚖️ … As part of the 'Green Deal', which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, the European Commission will launch a European Climate Pact this year. By sharing ideas and best practices, we can multiply their impact. The European Commission launched the European Climate Pact, an EU-wide initiative inviting people, communities and organisations to participate in climate action and build a greener Europe. Reflecting the wealth and diversity of climate action in Europe, the Commission is inviting individuals, businesses or civil society organisations to organise Climate Pact satellite events. Reflecting the wealth and diversity of climate action in Europe, the Commission is inviting individuals, businesses or civil society organisations to organise Climate Pact … By sharing ideas and inspiring each other, we can multiply our collective impact. T he Young Europe Ambassadors ... Young European Movement UK, and European Climate Pact Ambassadors) allowed for the building of vital bridges between policy decision-makers and young civil society stakeholders in this event. It is an immense pride, but I certainly acknowledge the... Read More. Greening Europeans’ consumption patterns with a New Consumer Agenda. Talieh Wögerbauer "Life is balance of holding on and letting go." The European Commission launched the Climate Pact on Wednesday (9 December) to raise awareness about global warming and bring the people on board with the green transition.. These ambassadors will play an important role in developing climate action and citizens' initiatives, … Fascinated by the innovation leadership of the European Climate Pact and convinced of its huge potentials for inspiring innovative approaches for the empowerment of non-state actors’ climate action on a global level, Miroslav Polzer, one of the first-generation EU Climate Pact ambassadors, initiated this European Climate Pact launch satellite event with a focus on Youth Climate Action Empowerment. The Climate Pact, based on genuine participation and ownership by local climate actors, can be a vehicle for delivering on the EU's climate ambition, but it must focus on empowering people to change the systems that led us to the brink of the climate crisis – through exploration, experimentation and demonstration. Appointing members of the EESC and … I have been appointed as one of the #EUClimatePact ambassador. As part of the European Green Deal, the Climate Pact offers a space for everyone to share information, debate and act on the climate crisis, and to be part of an ever-growing European climate movement. The updated climate goals will now be written down into a draft European Climate Law and passed on to the United Nations, thus signalling their intentions under the Paris Agreement. Ambassadors are there to engage people and organisations who are not yet involved in climate action, and to support climate action within communities. Its specific objectives are: Connect and share knowledge; Learn about … Ambassador of the European Climate Pact. On 9 December, the European Commission launched the European Climate Pact, an EU-wide initiative inviting people, communities and organisations to participate in climate action and build a greener Europe. The Climate Pact opens up further space for European collaboration in tackling climate change and environmental degradation and aims to help all member states to develop along a sustainable pathway. The Climate Pact needs to leverage the power of Euro- peans to achieve the EGD’s vision of a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society with a … What can you expect to see at the launch? Tim Damon, Climate Education, Communication and Outreach Stakeholders Community ECOS. Climate talks by special guests focusing on concrete climate actions in our everyday life; Introducing the first #EUClimatePact Ambassadors; A discussion on … As part of the development of the ECP, the European Commission had opened for a public consultation in the first half of 2020. Such Climate Pact Ambassadors could serve as focal points for different sectors of the economy. An online launch event will be held on 16 December 2020 (9:00-11:00 CET). We thank all participants for their ideas, energy and enthusiasm for the Pact. Yunus Arikan, ICLEI – With … Una tema che riguarda tutti noi, nessuno escluso. The Commission … They also act as a bridge between the European Commission and those organisations and individuals who are keen to … The two Olympians were announced as Ambassadors during yesterday’s European Climate Pact launch. The European Climate Pact invites everyone to take action to fight climate change and work together for a climate-friendly society. What brings them … We will continue its awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns to promote sustainable food practices and increase the visibility of the climate risks of today’s food … EU Climate Pact has 215 members. Chiara Soletti è stata nominata Climate Pact Ambassador dalla European Commission su candidatura dell'organizzazione di cui fa parte, Italian Climate Network. A detailed agenda will be available soon. Ambassadors at EU level would have a different role from ambassadors at national/regional/local level. The event will feature an introduction to the first EU Climate Pact Ambassadors, a discussion on upcoming Climate Pact pledges and talks by special guests about the actions we can all take to combat climate change.
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